Suchbegriff eingeben Finden. In general, applicants will not be considered who hold a Master of Science degree in Biology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, Agriculture and other related fields. College & University . The second year is self-organized and full time. * For the DMP in European Studies you additionally need to apply at Maastricht University. To ensure supply of these products for future generations in a sustainable manner and under the challenge of changing climate and environment, requires a new generation of scientists who are able to integrate and apply knowledge ranging from the molecular to the ecological scales. Master's Degree (M. For this reason you will receive an e-mail. Alle weiteren Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte der beigefügten Datei. This research area introduces students to the key concepts in modern aging research and advances their knowledge of the cellular, molecular as well as systemic processes and mechanisms regulating organismal lifespan and underlying the development of aging-associated diseases. Environments on Earth and prevailing ecological and evolutionary processes are currently facing its most dramatic changes since the last millennia. And our most important services will continue: We are processing all incoming applications including your mail. Please pay attention to the additional application documents and the different application deadline of Maastricht University. The Master's program "Molecular Genetics" teaches the theoretical knowledge and practical methods of modern molecular biology and genetics with a focus on the regulation of gene- and protein function. Developed countries offer the benefit of a high life expectancy but also face the increased incidence of aging-associated disorders as a consequence. Applicants with a degree of a German university (Bachelor or equivalent, graded 2.5 or better) complete the application form for the Master of Science in Biological Sciences.At least 80% of the maximum Bachelor (or equivalent) credits need to be certified as of the application deadline.. 2. The program is completed by a 6 month research project that will be written up in a Master’s thesis and presented in a Colloquium (36 CP, 40% of overall grade). No consultation hour (R. Wuttke) on 12 March. The combination of modern laboratories and sequencing facilities, new field stations and access to the Zoo Nature Conservation Center are unique in the German university landscape which are provided for the Ecology, Evolution and Environtment track of the Master program. In our Master´s course “Molecular Plant and Microbial Sciences” we focus on fundamental biological processes used by plants and their associated microbes. Fachschaft Biologie Uni Freiburg. : +49 (0221) 470-1535 Fax: +49 (0221) 470-2478 E-Mail: Consultation hours: Tue, 10-11 a.m., Thu 1-2 p.m. and by arrangement Room 0.101 (Biocenter, Zülpicher Straße 47b, ground floor) Liaison Officer in Cases of Discrimination of Students Das Masterprogramm bietet Studierenden eine forschungsorientierte Ausbildung, die sich an den aktuellen regionalen und theoretischen Forschungsschwerpunkten der Professor_innen und wissenschaftlichen Mitarbeiter_innen orientiert und gegenwartsbezogene Fragestellungen von politischer und sozialer Brisanz aufgreift. In the first year the program is organized in blocks of full day courses (subject modules) which run from October to February and from April to July and flexible time-blocks for self-study and self-organized modules. Understanding the structure, organization and function of genes and genomes as well as their regulation is key to understanding the molecular processes of life at the cellular and organismic level. Fachschaft Biologie Uni … Master programmes. Plan your … Bachelor's degree Master's degree. Studying abroad. The successful completion of the two years program will lead to the award of the Masters of Science (MSc) degree. Topics. Fachschaft Biologie Köln. Modules will be offered in seven research areas. In our Master´s course “Molecular Plant and Microbial Sciences” we focus on fundamental biological processes used by plants and their associated microbes. Plants are the basis of life on Earth and humans rely on plants for food, fibre, pharmaceuticals, fuel, and many other products. Profil. All personal consultation hours are cancelled until further notice. Mit dem Master of Arts in Politikwissenschaft an der WiSo-Fakultät der Universität zu Köln erweitern Sie Ihre Qualifikationen und werden zum Experten oder zur Expertin in Ihrem Bereich. In addition, students conduct one elective module (12 CP) whose content is chosen to broaden and enrich the individual study program. In order to complete your application, you still have to apply via ... KLIPS: International Management (CEMS MIM) and Economic Research Master Application … The program is completed by a 6 month research project that will be written up in a Master’s thesis and presented in a Colloquium (36 CP, 40% of overall grade). The successful completion of the two years program will lead to the award of the Masters of Science (MSc) degree. Fachschaft Biologie Uni Mainz. studiert werden: Allgemeine Informationen zu den Lehramtsstudiengängen (M.Ed.) In addition to Double Master’s Programmes and the M.Sc. This research-oriented Master’s program is taught by neuroscientists from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and the Faculty of Medicine. Hauptnavigation. Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät, (B) Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Biophysics, Mechanisms of Aging and Aging Associated Diseases (A), Molecular Plant and Microbial Sciences (P), Neurobiology: Genes, Circuits, and Behavior (N). Du interessierst Dich für das Studium Wirtschaftsinformatik (Lehramt) an der Uni Köln? With the program students will acquire a strong background in basic biological science and in modern biological research practice, which will fit them well for many careers in both academic and applied environments. A research area may be indicated as specialization in the Masters of Science in Biological Sciences certificate, for students who have conducted at least 4 of 7 modules (including subject, elective, and project modules) as well as the Master’s Thesis in one research area. No consultation hour (R. Wuttke) on 12 March. Suchbegriff eingeben Finden. Corona notification winter term 2020/2021. The combination of modern laboratories and sequencing facilities, new field stations and access to the Zoo Nature Conservation Center are unique in the German university landscape which are provided for the Ecology, Evolution and Environtment track of the Master program. Master's Degree (M. In animals, including humans, all behaviors result from information processing in the nervous system. Turnen Master Uni Flensburg TEIL 1 - Duration: 9:58. Why do we age? Master of Education / (Teaching Degree) Berufskolleg: Open Admission 1: This major has to be combined with one of these minors: Pflanzenwissenschaften (Pflanzenbau) Tierwissenschaften (Tierhaltung) Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus ; Agricultural and Food Economics: Master of Science / Single Subject: Local NC (Special selection) Double degree … Join our partner institution ifs internationale filmschule köln ifs internationale filmschule köln ; Diese Seite auf Deutsch ansehen . I would like to go for a PhD afterwards, probably in behavioral … Main Navigation. Our course provides an integrated view of plant and microbial sciences that incorporates molecular, cellular, physiological and ecological approaches to this vital subject that has direct relevance to the future challenges that society faces. College & University. Biologie (Lehramt) - Universität zu Köln - study in Cologne, Germany The successful completion of the two years program will lead to the award of the Masters of Science (MSc) degree. The successful completion of the two years program will lead to the award of the Masters of Science (MSc) degree. All personal consultation hours are cancelled until further notice. In the first year of the program students choose 4 subject modules on scientific topics of their preference (12 CP each, 15% each of overall grade). Sc.) To address such questions, research is required at various levels of analysis, ranging from molecular mechanisms and electrophysiology on the single-cell level to anatomical, computational, and network analyses on the system level. Community. 1. College & University. All applicants for a master study place in Business Administration, Economics, Health Economics, Information Systems, Political Science as well as Sociology and Social Research including our Double Master’s Programmes (DMP) must submit their application via this portal. Our team is mostly working online. Sprache wechseln. The genome of each living organism contains all the information that is needed to build, maintain and reproduce that respective organism. About GSfBS Universität zu Köln. In winter term 2020/2021, to ensure high quality teaching irrespective of COVID-19 restrictions, subject modules (half term, full time, 12 CP) will be replaced by theory modules (6 CP) and seminar modules (6 CP) of the various research areas. The tab test result remains editable until the application deadline, even if you have … These are…, Erstellt am: 13. uni-assist has already taken comprehensive protective measures for the staff in its Berlin office. A key challenge in modern biology is to translate the vast amount of data that is produced by high-throughput methods, such as genome or transcriptome sequencing, into understanding of the biological processes. The CV should include your address, E-mail, … It focuses on both methodological principles and biological applications with the aim to enable you to assess appropriate strategies for solving a given problem and possibly to contribute to method-development yourself. Stromkasten 8,769 views. Our course provides an integrated view of plant and microbial sciences that incorporates molecular, cellular, physiological and ecological approaches to this vital subject that has direct relevance to the future challenges that society faces. All personal consultation hours are cancelled until further notice. This indicates the necessity for a thorough understanding of underlying processes of evolution comprising the smallest and the largest organisms and applying the most modern techniques ranging from ultrastructural analyses and genomic studies to field research and theory driven experiments. Seit dem Wintersemester 2014/2015 können an der Universität zu Köln für alle Schulformen die Lehramtsstudiengänge mit dem Studienziel Master of Education (M.Ed.) ... EIGNUNGSTEST der Deutschen Sporthochschule Köln… This degree course scheme is a full time study program. Scientific topics and specializations as of winter term 2020/2021, Scientific topics and specializations until summer term 2020. Log in. Bitte informieren Sie sich vorher auf den Webseiten von UNI ASSIST ausführlich über das Bewerbungsverfahren zum Master, und benutzen Sie dann für den Bewerbungsvorgang das UNI-ASSIST Bewerbungsportal der Universität zu Köln Only complete applications submitted in English may be considered. Abschicken Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät. Alle weiteren Informationen entnehmen Sie bitte der beigefügten Datei. Scientific topics and specializations as of winter term 2020/2021, Scientific topics and specializations until summer term 2020. First 2 project modules (12 CP each) are conducted in research groups of choice. Local Business. The university of your choice decides on your admission and informs you of the decision. The applications will be assessed by a selection committee after the application deadline. Understanding these disorders and the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms of aging to improve medical treatment and life quality is a central challenge when studying aging. in Biological Sciences of The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Cologne The Master of Science in Biological Sciencesprogram is research-oriented and taught in English. ... of the Rectorate of the University of Cologne to amend the examination regulations for the master's programme Master of Science in Biological Sciences according to the ordinance on coping with the challenges posed by the coronavirus SARSCoV-2-epidemic to university operations set challenges (Corona Epidemic … For students who intend to study abroad the Elective and Project Modules are the most suitable, but details need to be arranged with a student adviser. The standard procedure is the one used by most uni-assist universities. An important goal of neuroscience is to understand how the nervous system is organized and forms networks to process information, how the component neurons change their activities under changing physiological conditions, and how neurological disorders affect neuronal organizations and functions. Consultations will be held by phone only. Applicants for the other master’s programmes apply via uni-assist until 20 August 2020 (date of receipt). Oktober 2015, zuletzt geändert am: 17. Hier findest Du nützliche Infos zum Studiengang. Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät, (B) Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Biophysics, Mechanisms of Aging and Aging Associated Diseases (A), Molecular Plant and Microbial Sciences (P), Neurobiology: Genes, Circuits, and Behavior (N). Date: 31-August-2020. Then we evaluate your application for the universities. First 2 project modules (12 CP each) are conducted in research groups of choice. These courses will be taught in parallel during the whole term and mainly … Master's Degree (M. The second year of the program is dedicated to research. International Management (CEMS MIM), the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Cologne offers national and international consecutive master's programmes in the fields of Business Administration, Economics and Social Sciences and the Cologne Rotterdam … The second year is self-organized and full time. This research area introduces students to the key concepts in modern aging research and advances their knowledge of the cellular, molecular as well as systemic processes and mechanisms regulating organismal lifespan and underlying the development of aging-associated diseases. After a positive evaluation, we automatically forward your application to the universities in electronic form. To ensure supply of these products for future generations in a sustainable manner and under the challenge of changing climate and environment, requires a new generation of scientists who are able to integrate and apply knowledge ranging from the molecular to the ecological scales. If you plan to do a module abroad the Elective module and the Project module are particularly suited. Degree. This indicates the necessity for a thorough understanding of underlying processes of evolution comprising the smallest and the largest organisms and applying the most modern techniques ranging from ultrastructural analyses and genomic studies to field research and theory driven experiments. Für viele Führungspositionen unterschiedlichster Branchen und für bestimmte Berufswege in Forschung und Lehre ist ein Master sogar unerlässlich. The Master of Science in Biological Sciences program is research-oriented and taught in English. All personal consultation hours are cancelled until further notice. College & University. Hello people, My post will be in English but feel free to answer in German. Februar 2021, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Gastwissenschaftlerinnen und Gastwissenschaftler, Erstsemesterinformationen / First term information, International Master of Environmental Sciences, Registration for subject modules and time schedules, DRINGEND: SHKs für die Betreuung Bio III/B (Teil Pflanzenphysiologie) im WS 20/21 gesucht. Fakultät. Vwl Master Studium Uni Köln oder FU Berlin. Prepare a curriculum vitae (CV, in English). A key challenge in modern biology is to translate the vast amount of data that is produced by high-throughput methods, such as genome or transcriptome sequencing, into understanding of the biological processes. It is taught by internationally recognized scientists who are experts in diverse topics of aging research including genetic determinants of longevity, DNA damage and repair, protein quality control, mitochondria regulation, immunosenescence and inflammation, stem cell and tissue maintenance, endocrine control of metabolism, the role of the environment as well as the biomedical aspects and implications represented by various age-related diseases. Für viele Führungspositionen unterschiedlichster Branchen und für bestimmte Berufswege in Forschung und Lehre ist ein Master sogar unerlässlich. Consultations will be held by phone only. This research-oriented Master’s program is taught by neuroscientists from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and the Faculty of Medicine. Für viele Führungspositionen unterschiedlichster Branchen und für bestimmte Berufswege in Forschung und Lehre ist ein Master sogar unerlässlich. Universität zu Köln. The Master's program "Molecular Genetics" teaches the theoretical knowledge and practical methods of modern molecular biology and genetics with a focus on the regulation of gene- and protein function. In animals, including humans, all behaviors result from information processing in the nervous system. Understanding the structure, organization and function of genes and genomes as well as their regulation is key to understanding the molecular processes of life at the cellular and organismic level. Until 15 June 2020 you may interrupt editing your online application, save it and continue at a later date. in Biological Sciences of The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Cologne The Master of Science in Biological Sciences program is research-oriented and taught in English. It focuses on both methodological principles and biological applications with the aim to enable you to assess appropriate strategies for solving a given problem and possibly to contribute to method-development yourself. It is taught by internationally recognized scientists who are experts in diverse topics of aging research including genetic determinants of longevity, DNA damage and repair, protein quality control, mitochondria regulation, immunosenescence and inflammation, stem cell and tissue maintenance, endocrine control of metabolism, the role of the environment as well as the biomedical aspects and implications represented by various age-related diseases. In addition, students conduct one elective module (12 CP) whose content is chosen to broaden and enrich the individual study program. To address such questions, research is required at various levels of analysis, ranging from molecular mechanisms and electrophysiology on the single-cell level to anatomical, computational, and network analyses on the system level. Mit dem Master of Arts in Politikwissenschaft an der WiSo-Fakultät der Universität zu Köln erweitern Sie Ihre Qualifikationen und werden zum Experten oder zur Expertin in Ihrem Bereich. Environments on Earth and prevailing ecological and evolutionary processes are currently facing its most dramatic changes since the last millennia. Fachschaft Biologie LMU. Oktober 2015, zuletzt geändert am: 17. The Master of Science in Biological Sciences program is research-oriented and taught in English. I have been accepted to economics masters programs of both FU Berlin and Uni Köln. Für viele Führungspositionen unterschiedlichster Branchen und für bestimmte Berufswege in Forschung und Lehre ist ein Master sogar unerlässlich. To access this item you need to be logged in and to have appropriate permissions. In the meantime, we will review your application and give you feedback. I am trying to make a decision. This program teaches you the computational methods required for turning data into understanding. Plants are the basis of life on Earth and humans rely on plants for food, fibre, pharmaceuticals, fuel, and many other products. You can send your application without a test result and upload it separately on the WiSo application portal until the application deadline. Hinweis: bitte verwenden Sie Tab um die Menüpunkte anzuspringen. This program teaches you the computational methods required for turning data into understanding. We are happy to answer your enquiries via our contact form. In the first year of the program students choose 4 subject modules on scientific topics of their preference (12 CP each, 15% each of overall grade). Fachschaft Biologie TU-Kaiserslautern. Developed countries offer the benefit of a high life expectancy but also face the increased incidence of aging-associated disorders as a consequence. Uni-assist transfers your application as well as evaluation to the University of Cologne into the campus management system KLIPS 2.0. However, you need to contact a student adviser (PD Dr. Joachim Schmidt or Dr. Jan Weber) in advance to discuss your plans for approval. Application for all other master's programmes including Double Master's Programmes. Die Universität zu Köln Die Universität zu Köln … For students who intend to study abroad the Elective and Project Modules are the most suitable, but details need to be arranged with a student adviser. College & University. With the program students will acquire a strong background in basic biological science and in modern biological research practice, which will fit them well for many careers in both academic and applied environments. Modules will be offered in seven research areas. Zur Übersichtsseite Fakultät Menü schließen. Note: please use tab key to jump to the menu items. This degree course scheme is a full time study program. Understanding these disorders and the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms of aging to improve medical treatment and life quality is a central challenge when studying aging. The program provides students with the essential theoretical foundations and practical skills to understand current issues in neurobiology and contribute to answering current questions that reach from the molecular and subcellular level to the systems level. I feel more comfortable in English but I can still understand texts in German well. Die Fakultät auf einen Blick; Akkreditierung; Internationalisierung; Chancengerechtigkeit; Ethik und … Pre-assessment is not possible. Universität zu Köln Biozentrum Köln Zülpicher Straße 47b 50674 Köln Tel. Age is the main risk factor for the development of age-related diseases, such as dementia, Alzheimer's disease, cardiovascular diseases, Parkinson's disease and cancer. ... EIGNUNGSTEST der Deutschen Sporthochschule Köln… Stromkasten 8,769 views. A research area may be indicated as specialization in the Masters of Science in Biological Sciences certificate, for students who have conducted at least 4 of 7 modules (including subject, elective, and project modules) as well as the Master’s Thesis in one research area. We offer a broad up-to-date methodological spectrum that is applied in the participating research groups: in vivo and ex vivo electrophysiology and imaging techniques, neuroanatomical techniques, techniques for genetic manipulation of neuronal function, methods of computational neuroscience and techniques for the analysis of behavior. The genome of each living organism contains all the information that is needed to build, maintain and reproduce that respective organism. in Biological Sciences of The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of Cologne The Master of Science in Biological Sciences program is research-oriented and taught in English. You submit your application to uni-assist. We offer a broad up-to-date methodological spectrum that is applied in the participating research groups: in vivo and ex vivo electrophysiology and imaging techniques, neuroanatomical techniques, techniques for genetic manipulation of neuronal function, methods of computational neuroscience and techniques for the analysis of behavior. An important goal of neuroscience is to understand how the nervous system is organized and forms networks to process information, how the component neurons change their activities under changing physiological conditions, and how neurological disorders affect neuronal organizations and functions. The successful completion of the two years program will lead to the award of the Masters of Science (MSc) degree. In the first year the program is organized in blocks of full day courses (subject modules) which run from October to February and from April to July and flexible time-blocks for self-study and self-organized modules. Sc.) These are…, Erstellt am: 13. Februar 2021, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät, Gastwissenschaftlerinnen und Gastwissenschaftler, Erstsemesterinformationen / First term information, International Master of Environmental Sciences, Registration for subject modules and time schedules, DRINGEND: SHKs für die Betreuung Bio III/B (Teil Pflanzenphysiologie) im WS 20/21 gesucht. MASTER AND MORE: information about your Masters study. How can we stay healthier as we age? Biologie Team Uni Köln is the author of Biologie für Medizinstudierende (2.00 avg rating, 1 rating, 1 review, published 2011) We live longer and longer but we pay a high price for it. However, your application is not yet complete. Fachschaft Biologie Oldenburg. Fachschaft Biologie Münster. The program provides students with the essential theoretical foundations and practical skills to understand current issues in neurobiology and contribute to answering current questions that reach from the molecular and subcellular level to the systems level. Applied Natural Sciences Architecture and Civil Engineering Computer Science Culture and Society Economics and Business Engineering Environment and Energy Information and … Mit dem Master of Arts in Politikwissenschaft an der WiSo-Fakultät der Universität zu Köln erweitern Sie Ihre Qualifikationen und werden zum Experten oder zur Expertin in Ihrem Bereich. Sc.) The second year of the program is dedicated to research. Mit dem Master of Arts in Politikwissenschaft an der WiSo-Fakultät der Universität zu Köln erweitern Sie Ihre Qualifikationen und werden zum Experten oder zur Expertin in Ihrem Bereich.

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