Soft, breathable, light, and comfortable, it comes as no surprise that this is one of the most popular materials on the market. When my Dad questioned the fire marshal about the "fire retardant" qualities, he was told that the insulation was fire retardant, when it was installed, but that insulation loses those qualities quite quickly. Instead you want to argue how a fire develops in a burning home. In one process the newspaper is cut with … Many diet and low-fat products will use food additives like cellulose gum to give the food a thicker and . Keep in mind they also manufacture the fiberglass insulation who at one time manufactured asbestos, the other carcinogen. There may, in reality, be something better suited to your needs than cotton, and this material could be Tencel. Disadvantages of Cellulose Acetate Frames: It is more expensive than injection molded frames and acetate frames can be distorted in very extreme heat. At no time should wet insulation, especially cellulose, ever be dried out for replacement. Air sealing beyond 0.3 ACH requires mechanical ventilation to ensure health safety, yes. If you apply too much heat, it might scorch the fabric. As for your list of names...well, whether they disagree with each other or not is of no concern of mine. I only persist because the more we all learn and understand, the better of a chance we have in creating a more sustainable built environment. Personally I dont think we can build all of our homes and commercial buildings with spray foam as it is a petroleum product. Since you are only talking about a small water leak then consider you are paying DOUBLE (or more) than a cellulose insulation job would cost for the privilege of possibly containing a small puddle. Polymer Type. I did spend some time browsing the web sites you provided, each tried to sell me books and videos and get me to join and be on a mailing list. It's refreshing. Building and Construction Technology, UMass Amherst Obviously, our location plays into it (Canada has different needs than MD or Arizona), so if that is included as well all the better! 7. Do you see where the homeowner and reader might be confused? And then he returned by simply repeating the error (which is generally found in the advertising claims of the foam insulation industry which often tries to sell less than code minimum R-values as acceptable). Every building site and set of circumstances is unique. If so then use fiberglass. It's simply not cost effective to do so. I'd like to point out that "green" building is about conserving energy, not just in the construction, but more importantly, in the use of a building. They may be more sustainable though. Well, I have to drive past cotton fields here in North Carolina and they give me a strong incentive to choose organic cotton whenever I buy clothes. As it costs more to produce, this is then transferred to buyers. Different systems can be used for different climates, etc. Federal law requires the installer disclose to buyers that foam shrinks up to 3%. This debate has gone on too long. 15 years ago when it was -20F all the way down to southern Iowa). Lyocell is a lot more breathable than Polyester. However with out education of consumer installer and builder/remodeler of the ramification of any product and proper building science principles and interior and exterior water management, all products can be a disaster. Cellulose insulation is always blown-in. Fiberglass insulation is a thing of the past and the quicker everyone gets off that bandwagon the better. Spray foam is anything but green and anyone who advocates such products should be drummed out of the green building movement. Regenerated cellulose filaments show fewer defects and less variation than bast fibres such as flax. Cellulose sponge, what’s interesting? What is your definition of "Green" I am an insulation contractor and I have done almost everything. The reason that durability and longevity have become so important is because of the enormous ecological impact of our shelters, due in part to their excessive size and complexity. At this stage, the solution is pumped through spinnerets. The disadvantages of Cellulose Acetate Butyrate include: Attacked or swollen by many solvents including chlorinated and aromatic hydrocarbons, alcohols and ketones; More expensive than Cellulose Acetate . Of course the fiberglass settles and years later we install cellulose, allowing for the slight settling it realizes by quoting two depths..the installed depth and the settled depth. We have huge moisture concerns in homes built in the last 10 years because of the increase in the quality of home building products. Ha. Maybe someday someone will build the 'perfect' green house that we can all agree 100% with, but I doubt it. I'm interested in this point about detecting leaks through foam insulation. A machine will then card (comb) the fiber to separate the fiber strands. I've seen some pretty compelling demo's of the benefits of this over adding several inches of additional insulation to our attic floor (which would present its own problems. Most of the insulation they get is fiberglass but they paid double the cost for the "privilege" of having foam retrofitted to their walls. well, i can't read all these comments so I'm not sure if my point hasn't already been posted but i want to record that the roof of my chicken barn was sprayed foam insulation and it held the moisture in and rotted the rafters...thus the roof caved in. However, lots and lots of foam may not offer the thermal performance you would think, just by adding up the R-values per inch. Slope ceilings, for example, can be packed solid with cellulose (just like walls) with NO problems. Found inside – Page 29Cellulose plastics output continues to grow despite relative price disadvantages , because of special characteristics for particular applications --cellophane is an exception . Price also is important , relative to prices of other films ... I know this isn't the point of this article at all, but the debate went way too far without mention of air sealing (which you get with spray-foam products). They adhere to the framing and fill all the gaps behind pipes and wires leaving no air gaps as might be found in a conventional batt installation. For those of you not so familiar with the technicalities of controllable fibrillation, we are referring to the very fine hairs found on the outer surface of fiber strands. The other was a bad tile job that leaked only when the family used the guest bath shower. How else can the salesman of an over-priced and under-performing product induce elderly people to pay double? They are a great resource for factual information about the insulations they have tested. It is made from newspaper which is always in ample supply. If it's good cotton why can't it be reprocessed into more fabric? I'm guessing it's chopped up fiberglass created to market the worse insulation on the market. These “micro-fibers” are blown out of a hose and sprayed with a water based adhesive while they are in mid air. . This makes it slightly more difficult than fiberglass batts but comparable to blown-in cellulose. Try this wording and please (before you respond) check your facts with a credible source. I commend your loyalty. Found inside – Page 47Cellulose moisture in the drying process depending on the drying time—comparison for the worst (pink color: 220 ppm, 55 ◦C) and best (green color: 70 ... The necessity of vacuum application is the biggest disadvantage of these methods. When it comes to environmental issues, it is safer than fiberglass. Now far too many growers find ways to define their product as "organic". Most reasonable folks recognize that if a roof leaks or plumbing leaks, drywall will be damaged and furniture will be damaged. Someone from the cellulose industry did recently offer to insulate one of my homes for free and I turned him down. JFink, a reliable source for cellulose information is: I provided that information in my first post I believe. That's a perfectly linear relationship.". Water retention is a concern. Based on merit, value,and energy conservation, cellulose wins hands down. My current home has blown-in cellulose insulation. However, the bigger fish to fry here is in renovations these days. Working to eliminate moisture, this ecological fibre is smooth to touch and can adapt to temperature fluctuations. Cellulose, the material's main component, is obtained only from well-managed forests, making it a fantastic source of renewable fibre. In that both he and you have strayed from the facts about the subject why stray even further getting into some personal tangent about "profiles". Do you want to trust a giant international corporation who filed bankruptcy to avoid asbestos claims? Its main raw material, cellulose from wood pulp (obtained from Eucalyptus, Oak, and Birch trees) is chemically broken down into a sludge-like mixture, then pumped out into more easily woven fibers. By the time we located and repaired the leaks, the cellulose had wicked up the water and become saturated. The amine oxide is recyclable. 32-37) applying more than 4-6 inches of spray foam is a total waste of money (based on building science research). Does it off-gas dangerous chemicals? Being one of the most expensive materials on the market, Lyocell will set you back more than Polyester. The higher rate of absorbency obtained by Tencel (Lyocell) makes the fabric softer, fresher, and more hygienic. As for the alleged "no diminishing returns" on air sealing, most case studies dispute this. Nice article. Thus, you get to remain dry throughout your sleep. Cellulose and other loose-fill insulation materials are shredded or granulated products supplied in a loose form, intended to be installed through a blowing machine in attics and close cavities. And, it doesn't seem to do a very good job at it's intended purpose. Found inside – Page 84After addition of water, the hydrogen bonds between water and NMMO are stronger than NMMO cellulose, and therefore the dissolved cellulose ... Effect of NMMO Pretreatment on Cellulose Advantages and Disadvantages of Pretreatment with NMMO. 3. Most plumbing leaks I see are a result of old age or freezing, not defective plumbing in new homes. I am a firm believer that a combination of insulation products should be and can be used in homes. A few simple barriers would have prevented EFIS failures. Fear tactics about cellulose is the bases for many fiberglass and foam sales.” I can only imagine how LOW PRESSURE this guy must be on a sales call…. The next silly argument, "We took our ceiling out because of water damage and the cellulose was damaged too." R-Values (wall thickness, insulating materials, and frequency of thermal bridges) and 2. That shrinkage makes Icenene foam about as poor an insulator as foam can be. First of all, before green was on, they were already probably using recycled material, because it is most likely cheaper to buy than new rubber. Tencel, on the other hand, is even more sustainable, as bamboos require far less water for growth than trees. One of the biggest problems we have observed with the use of cotton is its huge disparity in quality. Both offer top-quality bed sheets that are soft to the touch. After using it to break down the cellulose setting, the amine oxide can be re-used in the manufacturing process. Lyocell is more expensive to produce than traditional fibers like cotton. Thus, compared to the production of other manmade fibers it uses less water and energy. Except for strawbales, cellulose is the most green of all insulation options currently on the market. Be an informed consumer and the choice is clear. Cellulose sponge is more environmentally friendly and it is made from wood fibers. There are too many variables for there to be ONE answer to what is the right insulation or the greenest insulation. Tight homes are good, and i venture to say if you're not building tight homes in Canada....well nuff said on that. As Lyocell is crafted using a closed-loop system, it has a minimal effect on the environment. In Canada, it's supposed to be prohibited or totally not recommended to have plombing in exterior insulated walls so the flood problem should not be an issue and cellulose insulation is a recommended technique. I've been up in many attics that showed water staining from wind-driven snow that had blown in through 5-V metal roofing and soffit vents and melted on top of the fiberglass insulation. It's proven that when two homes are insulated with the same R-Value in both ceiling and walls, the one with cellulose will be 27% more energy efficient as opposed to the fiberglass home. It seems to me that the sharing of information is important but that drifting over into an "I'm greener than you" discussion is counterproductive. Nothing else can match it. Fiberglass is fuel intensive to produce so its rough on the environment too. This is a main reason we haven't done a hot roof from foam. Denim scraps diverted from the landfill? What R-value do you claim in your "8" foam attic"? If you don't believe me put your money where your mouth is. Here's some sources to reference: No need to argue. He accuses people like me of using “bait and switch” tactics to trick homeowners into blowing foam in walls but using fiberglass in the ceilings. Most humorous of his allegations is that “that most homeowners made insulation decisions based on the information fed them by high pressure fiberglass and foam salesman. I wanted to stay away from cellulose because years ago I had seen it take down a ceiling after getting wet from a leaking roof. Which for most houses is a limited area. This article with the debate is very helpful. "Green building is about durability and performance more than about recycled content." This is the ingredient that ensures that the pigment particles actually stick to one another, whilst at the same time making sure that the . Spray soy foam in the ceilings and rafter spaces to eliminate venting the roofs at all (again no heat loss).The Bluejean insulation is meant for walls, not meant for ceilings our wherever you have it in the picture. I own a small company that makes wooden toys and we pride ourselves on being green, but I cannot stand green washing. I have found rodents love the stuff! We live in a world where these organizations play fast and loose with their information - third party testing from folks at,, the building science department at UMass, and as you said ORNL - are all more reliable sources for this type of information (if you ask me). Cellulose in my 30+ years experience holds onto that moisture and allows it to accumulate in the building far more than foam or fiberglass. Corn production is an energy crop with the highest fertilizer requirements (which causes so much environmental problems). Cellulose normally referred as the most abundant macromolecule on earth that produced by plant. In 2019, the clothing market saw a rapid growth in the emergence of Lyocell products. Disadvantages of Cellulose Acetate Frames: It is more expensive than injection molded frames and acetate frames can be distorted in very extreme heat. Tag it and bag it when wet next time. Truth is, contractors who prefer blow in fiberglass for attic insulation choose it because they can short the homeowner on the number of bags they blow in..fluff up the fiberglass and make a hidden profit. When Chandler, and others banter the word "foam" around, the reader can easily be mislead to believe the poorer quality foam possess the characteristics of the premium foam product, which of course, is too expensive to fill an eight-inch space with. It takes about two and a half hours from chopping the wood down to the carding. Advantages and disadvantages of lyocell, 6. In my experience, men tend toward a world view that is more black and white than women. Our customers are always happy with the price of cellulose and more importantly, the energy savings and comfort they experience over fiberglass and foam. Producing cotton is brutal on the land, far worse than wood fiber in every way, and processed cotton is a high-value commodity. Cellulose settles up to 20%, which can be problematic in close cavities. Meanwhile, to kill the Bacillus cereus bacteria, it took 4 minutes in the microwave. There are many more things that can be done. That’s why we have provided the below advice to help you make the correct decision. We removed the sheetrock and cleaned the wood and set the cellulose aside to dry. It is a natural fiber that is made from wood pulp. 15% with an airflow resistance of 13 (lb/s ft)/(cu ft/s) By comparison, the type of micro-filament fiberglass I use is JM Spider fiberglass which can be dense packed behind a scrim typically at 2.2 lbs / cu ft dry at R-4.3 / in at . Aside from being the standard for construction where acoustic isolation is primary (i.e. Insulations long term savings of resources certainly outweighs any lack of greeness at the manufacturing end. The carpet, the furniture,clothing, and anything else that was water soaked? One was a slight headed pin in a radiant heated upstairs master bathroom floor which only leaked when the pipe was hot for an hour each morning. It was still nearly as wet as the day I set it there. Found inside – Page 7Its potential use in large scale application has prompted attempts to diminish or circumvent the disadvantages mentioned. ... In spite of these facts, cellulose has certain disadvantages that make it less suitable for affinity ... I work for a living and am just trying to make sense out of your claims. For example, when Chandler says Icenene coasts him $5,700.00 for 2,600 sq ft, 8" deep, is that the cost of the foam in in the drum? I always invite, "please prove me wrong", no one ever does with regard to the CIMA data or the Oakridge Laboratory research. Corn grown in north america to feed cars with ethanol is another example of problems rising from what we call the ¨green economy¨. Regardless, the discussion has gotten a bit off topic. Nitrogen fertilizers are made with natural gaz (again not a renewable source of energy). Its kernels are extremely hard to eat, don’t taste much like corn and are extracted (grown) from the earth to be used as energy or it’s processed and into who knows what to be used in various ways (feed lots?). So I had a huge wall space and I ran all my electrical in the outside wall after the spray foam and then put in R19 in the walls for a total of about R26 or so and we took out the 2x6 Ceiling Joist!! All insulation can work when installed properly and all insulation can be done improperly. (Think foaming Gorilla Glue) You will want to completely encapsulate the attic area if you go this way and that means exposing and embedding the top plates in foam and making a continuous barrier between the top plates and the roof out of the foam. Found inside – Page 44While cellulose fiber in blends offers many advantages, it can also have a negative impact on the matrix properties. Some of the advantages and disadvantages of using cellulose fiber are outlined in Table 2.3. The strengthening of the ... You mentioned "open cell" foam. Commodity corn, for example, reflects the corn you’d eat only in appearance. Lyocell is a natural, artificial material that comprises wood, cellulose, or pulp. Besides the above, Lyocell is also non-creasing. And MerrickProperties has it backwards (which is typically the case with those who buy into the spray foam industry propaganda). When you use a lyocell bedsheet, you will not sweat as much and will be able to enjoy your bedtime. Now that these terms have legal definitions, they aren’t so "organic" or so "green". When you first wash Lyocell, you will notice it will shrink by about 3 percent. I'll share mine here. In addition, this sponge is also healthier and more dangerous, such as the plastic sponge which is made through the process of breaking down waste. Products manufactured using Lyocell eliminates the need to renew materials as the climate becomes moister, helping to save time and money, without having to compromise on comfort. However, your sponge must be wet, otherwise it will burn in the microwave, be careful! Since it stops the moisture laden air there is no moisture to condense like in drafty fiberglass "assemblies". However, the savings level off as you increase insulation beyond standard amounts. First developed at the American Enka facility in 1972, Lyocell was created using an advanced solvent spinning process. However, another contractor came in and claimed this was crazy. They had to remove it from the display for the rest of the show it swelled so much!! Use the lowest temperature setting that produces steam (medium setting max). What else was damaged? I once used fiberglass in our homes and rock wool insulation. The production of Lyocell produces no harmful by-products. The ball peen hammer is a type of hammer that has two sides at the ends. I don't have an answer, sorry to say, but it is not as simple as "it is from a plant so it is green.". While Lyocell is lightweight, Rayon resembles a composition similar to that of linen or cotton. The fact that this discussion is even taking place is encouraging to me--it means people are taking the time to think through their actions and thoughtfully make the best decision for themselves. I re-insulated with solidly packed cellulose and there are no more frozen water pipes. Good luck. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Objectives Developing environmentally friendly polymer composites that are reliable and economical offering all the advantages of petroleum-based plastics was the driving force behind this work. Just for the record, Cellulose dense pack at 3.0 lbs/cu ft tests at R-3.6 per inch with a moisture sorption of <15% with an airflow resistance of 13 (lb/s ft)/(cu ft/s) Carboxymethylcellulose is particularly used as a thickening agent, but it is also used as a filler, dietary fiber, anti-clumping agent, and emulsifier.It is made from cellulose, which is the main polysaccharide and makes up the woody parts and cell walls of plants. Anyone that thinks that the impact on global climate change should be a consideration in deciding what is "green", is very strongly encouraged to read the essential article on this at the green building advisor. A good source of information on foaming the roof of an 1876 farmhouse would be the Q&A section at Stretching even more he claims open cell foam "blocks water". Now that's a knee slapper Michael Chandler. This freshness can be a decisive factor for people with high body temperatures and sleeping difficulties. Spinnerets look like showerheads, so when the cellulose is forced through it, long fiber strands come out. There are two major factors of energy use... 1. Found inside – Page 21... versatility in the field of cellulose technology, including cellulose-regenerated materials, homogeneous derivatization, and biomass processing [38–40]. However, ILs also possess various disadvantages for a commercial application, ... If you want to buy a cellulose sponge, look for one with 100% cellulose content and no polyester. He says that if the roof or plumbing leaks there will be huge damage and the insulation is an insignificant factor. You state that you are able to have a 2600 SF roof sprayed with 8 inches. You can find their work at: If it works better but is less "green", then just say that. truly green and sustainable insulation material available,- The way Western fibers does anyway.. No offense intended but; This article is a mute point. But to prevent condensation on the roof sheathing, the insulation must be thick enough. That much shrinkage makes for a defective, overpriced and under insulated wall. Though both fabrics are wood-based cellulose fibers, Lyocell is made from bamboo pulp, while Tencel is made from wood pulp. Cellulose will do that. If you feel the need, you may wash Lyocell in a washing machine on a gentle cycle, but it is better to opt for drip drying than machine drying. In some products, Lyocell is mixed with hemp, wool, and other natural materials. Lyocell has been designed with comfort in mind. In light of the continuously dwindling environmental conditions, researchers all over the world . I wouldn't put it in my home if it were FREE! Loose blown fiberglass is much lower in R-value and shrivels in R-value by one-half in cold weather. You can find lyocell/tencel products in a variety of physical and online stores. What are water pipes doing in exterior walls in new construction? While Lyocell is made from wood cellulose, Polyester is made from polymers. Disadvantages Of Cellulose. House wraps and foam boards can be extra layers of protection and insualtion. No matter how green your structure, it still took a lot of energy and resources to build and will take that many more to replace if it doesn't last very long. Besides even on the durability scale, no studies show foam being durable. I've read that fiberglass insulation is a worse carcinogen problem than asbestos ever was. Thanks for the links, CelluloseFacts. BPI Building Analyst and Envelope Certified Professional There is always going to be argument over what products are "green" and why. The savings from changing from 0.7 ACH50 to 0.6 ACH50 is the same as the savings seen by changing from 0.5 ACH50 to 0.4 ACH50. Found inside – Page 330Acid hydrolysis is one of the most utilized technologies for the separation of nanocellulose from cellulose components. ... One of the disadvantages of enzyme treatment is the long operation time which decreases the efficiency of this ... Pros Greenhouse Gas Reduction - Cellulosic ethanol reduces GHG emissions by 85% to 94% compared to petroleum-based fuels. Let’s take a look at their differences in a little more detail. And look at the EFFICIENCY of the product. Though, if you continue to use a gentle detergent and cold water, it will resist any further shrinking. Lyocell and Polyester require different methods for creation. I put my name, face and sometimes faulty reputation behind my statements. Injection Molded Frames As the name suggests, this is yet another method of making frames. One thing I become wary of though is anyone who believes there is one way to be green. So, it is important to read the label on the garment first. In one process the newspaper is cut with … Cellulose sponges that are bought and sold are a form of cleaning sponge that is commonly used. Found inside – Page 215The major disadvantage of paper as a support medium is protein adherence to cellulose . Cellulose acetate replaced paper as a support medium in the 1950s . It provides better separation because proteins adhere less readily when hydroxy ... Once dry they form a matt that has the same R-value as open cell foam, is formaldehyde free, firm to the touch but soft enough to snake a wire through and is not itchy. As I'm sure you are all aware it comes down to proper design and materials use, I did disaster repair work in northern Michigan for 15 yrs. Years ago, my Dad used fire-retardant cellulose insulation in a basement remodeling project. take a small cube of spray foam of the type of product you are thinking of using and leave it in the sink for a couple of hours with cold water dripping on it to simulate a roof leak. Pure cellulose sponges are not widely available in the market such as plastic sponges, besides that the price is rather expensive. There is an attic above this that I'm making a storage room that also has the spray foam in it and then I have R13 on top so maybe not the best in this space but the heated space has all it needs. I realize that there are many very reputable, green and high performance builders who have had great success for many years with cellulose insulation in walls as well as in attics. Furthermore in the northern US and many parts of Canada fiberglass insulation is one of the worst insulations to use since 50% of its R value is lost when it is -20F whereas cellulose keeps its R value. Besides, its microfiber composition is designed to ensure exactly that. In light of the continuously dwindling environmental conditions, researchers all over the world .

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