Saul's Zeal in Persecution. Church history confirms that Simon was not saved. The gospel sent to Ethiopia, by the eunuch, a person of quality of that country. Philip asked the eunuch whether he understood it. Found insideWith this book a foremost New Testament scholar makes a signal contribution to the literature about the times of the first apostles.This period, when the memory of Jesus was fresh yet no written literature about him existed, lends itself ... He Explains the Scriptures on the Way and Preaches Jesus. For extended discussions presenting the superiority of the Byzantine text-type, see Edward F. Hills. Consider Volunteering and join the team sharing the gospel of grace with the unsaved and the grace of The severity of sin cannot … Our “sorcerer” comes, through the French sorcier, from the Latin sortitor, a caster of lots (sortes) for the purposes of divination. To impress on him the great wickedness of his proposal, Peter reproved him for thinking that "the gift of God may be purchased with money." Since the people Philip baptized had not yet had hands laid on them for the receiving of the Holy Spirit, Peter and John came from Jerusalem to perform this important part of baptism (verses 14-16). The miracle that Saul did convinced Sergius Paulus to believe in Christ. In days past he claimed to be a great person, and all the people of Samaria believed in him, describing him as the "great power of God." He realized that to retain prestige among the Samaritans, he had no alternative but to profess belief in Philip’s message. the gospel with the saved. And they gave heed to him, because that of a long time he had amazed them with his sorceries. threw them into the state of trance or ecstasy; set them beside themselves. He boasted that he was someone great, and all the people, both high and low, gave him their attention and exclaimed, “This man is rightly called the Great Power of God.”. His intent was to prevent His chosen people from inflicting an incapacity for fatherhood and normal family life upon any of their sons. A proud person might give an outward display of faith because it is the “right” thing to do in the eyes of others, but in the secret place of their heart, they may fail to submit to Jesus Christ. How could all these writers at different times and places have taken for granted that it was Scripture if it was not? The loss of Stephen was bad enough. When we consider their unusual spiritual journey, we will show why God treated them like the Samaritans. Simon the Sorcerer … 17 Then Peter and John laid their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit. - 1 John 3:8, 10, Real Christians Don't Sin? Simon proposed to cut a deal with them. Distempers are here named, the most difficult to be cured by the course of nature, and most expressive of the disease of sin. (c) He had so allured the Samaritans with his witchcraft that as blind and mad idiots they were wholly addicted to him. A second major division of Acts begins with Acts 8:5; but the first four verses continue to focus upon the church in Jerusalem.The conversion of the Samaritans by Philip is given (Acts 8:5-25), and also the conversion of the Ethiopian (Acts 8… Offering sacrifices and other forms of communal worship were removed altogether from their experience. For all these reasons, Philip regarded Simon as a Christian – a follower of Jesus – and baptized him (Acts 8:13). Justin Martyr (AD 110–165), another famous church father in the second century, reports that Simon went to Rome during the reign of Claudius Caesar (41–54 AD) and so impressed the Romans that the people and the senate erected a statue in his honor on the river Tiber, with the inscription, "To Simon, the holy God. Acts 8:10. act 8:10 Acts 8:1-3 = Saul Persecutes the Church in Jerusalem; Acts 8:4-8 = Christ Is Preached in Samaria, Philip the Evangelist; Acts 8:9-13 = The Sorcerer’s (Simon Magus) Profession of Faith; Acts 8:14-25 = The Sorcerer’s Sin; Acts 8:26-40 = Christ Is Preached to an Ethiopian eunuch; Cross references. Philip's Conversion of the Samaritans. We would also assume that Philip was convinced that they had all believed and been saved before he baptized them (see v. 37). Acts 8:9 Prior to that time, a man named Simon had practiced sorcery in the city and astounded the people of Samaria. When Simon sees that the power of the Holy Spirit was given through the laying on of hands by the apostles, Simon offers the apostles money, desiring to be given the ability to give the power of the Holy Spirit by the laying on of hands. "The Messianic Rule," 1QSa, Dead Sea Scrolls. At that time a great persecution arose against the church that was at Jerusalem; and they were all scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except the apostles. There, Hippolytus assures us, "he remained. When the Samaritans heard Philip and saw the miracles, all believed with joy. Simon's words. Acts 8:18-25 – What can we learn from the story of Simon the Sorcerer? The word "perish" (from apoleia) sometimes refers specifically to eternal destruction in hell, but it has the general meaning of ruin or waste (see Mark 14:4/Matt. It teaches that a prerequisite for baptism is a public statement of full-hearted belief in Christ. Then, to prevent the partially emptied land from becoming desolate, they took captives from other nations and resettled them alongside the remaining Israelites. In other words, Acts 8 teaches that it is possible for a child of God to apostatize, and as such be lost eternally. In fact, nothing hindered the eunuch from being baptized if he simply believed in Christ with his whole heart. They are designed for downloading (*pdf available) Philip's success at Samaria. (26-40) Commentary on Acts 8:1-4 (Read Acts 8:1-4) Though persecution must not drive us from our work, yet it may send us to work elsewhere. But in his homeland there were probably no synagogues, and even if there were some, it would have been difficult for him to escape the queen’s sequestered world and associate with the Jews. Perhaps churches wanted to discourage curiosity-seekers from attending. After baptizing the eunuch, Philip was "caught away" by the Spirit. --The Persecution at Jerusalem. Some months earlier, before Peter healed the lame beggar in the Temple, he declared, "Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk" (Acts 3:6). Among those listening to Philip was an unlikely prospect for conversion. Resources » Commentaries » Acts » Chapter 8 » exegesis. . If we delete the verse, Luke uncharacteristically fails to tell us outright that when the eunuch heard the gospel, he responded by believing in Christ (compare with Acts 8:5–6; 13:6–12; 16:30–34; etc.). If we want more, we must, like Philip, be diligent in taking the opportunities we have now. Remember that the eunuch was a high official in a distant land. Giving out ... - "Saying"; that is, boasting. In the first story, Simon the sorcerer is baptized and he subsequently offers money to Peter and John for the power of the Holy Spirit. Simon the Sorcerer Acts 8:9-25 9 Now for some time a man named Simon had practiced sorcery in the city and amazed all the people of Samaria. Luke’s report probably carries no such implication. A well-illustrated study of the famous places and buildings in Rome in the early Christian period. Jesus was warning her that if she wished to follow Him, she could not cling to the false religion of Samaria. After long years of gleeful corruption, the sorcerer was bound fast to an evil heart and a lying tongue. Giving out that himself was some great one. but upon this new church, the success of the Gospel in this place, and the joy that was there; a man of great wickedness and sophistry plays the hypocrite, feigns himself a believer, and gets in among them; See Gill on Acts 5:1. which beforetime in the same city used sorcery; who before Philip came thither, practised magic arts; wherefore he is commonly called "Simon Magus", for he was a magician, who had learned diabolical arts, and used enchantments and divinations, as Balaam and the magicians of Egypt did: and bewitched the people of Samaria; or rather astonished them, with the strange feats he performed; which were so unheard of and unaccountable, that they were thrown into an ecstasy and rapture; and were as it were out of themselves, through wonder and admiration, at the amazing things that were done by him: giving out that himself was some great one; a divine person, or an extraordinary prophet, and it may be the Messiah; since the Samaritans expected the Messiah, as appears from John 4:25 and which the Syriac version seems to incline to, which renders the words thus, "and he said, I am that great one"; that great person, whom Moses spake of as the seed of the "woman", under the name of Shiloh, and the character of a prophet. This incident is the basis for a word in our language, simony, echoing the name "Simon. "12 The story may be apocryphal, but if true, it shows that a demonically controlled man who starts out as a plausible deceiver may end up as a raving lunatic. (26-40) Verses 1-4 Though persecution must not drive us from our work, yet it may send us to work elsewhere. No event listings available at this time. He was bitter because the church had displaced him from his former power and influence among the Samaritans. Can an individual recently saved from an occultic background commit a serious sin? The reader of the scroll was a man of considerable importance. Satan can give his servants a limited ability to work so-called magic. In the next year he issued the Edict of Milan, which forbade any further persecution of Christians. Right after Stephen died, the church must have felt that he was irreplaceable. As we seek to fit Acts 8 into a reasonable scheme of chronology for the whole book, an important consideration is that the stream where Philip baptized the eunuch must have been carrying sufficient water. and copying so they can be used in ministry. What Peter seems to be reacting to is Simon's sin of avarice born of jealousy for the unique apostolic power of bestowing the Holy Spirit (v. 20). Does not every sorcerer want money? From manuscript evidence, it appears that many church leaders in Egypt and elsewhere decided that verse 37 should be expunged from the Bible, lest it discourage full local membership in their congregations. Acts 8:18-19. But consider this. As a result, assemblies of believers appeared throughout Judea and Samaria, the first two places that Jesus commanded the church to reach after evangelizing Jerusalem. But in fact, the persecution assisted the work of the gospel. His response shows that the filling of the Spirit did not altogether change his basic personality. Can the Willful Sin of Hebrews 10:26 be forgiven? Saul persecutes the church. Peter and John Sent Down to Bestow the Miraculous Powers of the Holy Spirit. However, when Philip preached the Good News, the people believed and were baptized—and Simon the sorcerer also believed and was baptized. Strange points out that in chapter 8, Luke is obviously drawing a contrast between two new converts who outwardly appear similar in certain respects. "3 It denotes the attempt to purchase a religious office or position as if it were an item in the marketplace. Conservative commentators have always agreed that Philip was supernaturally lifted from the eunuch’s presence and dropped many miles to the north.53 Yet a modern reader may find it hard to believe that Philip’s departure from the eunuch was anything so extraordinary. Commentary for Acts 8 . (26-40)1-4 Though persecution must not drive us from our work, yet it may send us to work elsewhere. Coffman Commentaries on the Bible. For more information visit our, Quotes on Repentance as a Change of Mind, Part 1, Answering Common Objections to Free Grace, Part 2, Answering Common Objections to Free Grace, Part 1. Who Could Be Cut Off from Christ in Romans 11:22? But later, when the apostles Peter and John arrive and bestow the Holy Spirit on the new believers, Simon tries to purchase this apostolic power (and so the origination of the word simony, which means to purchase influence or power in the church). Wherever they went, they preached "the word." He won their respect by bewitching them "with sorceries." d. Pflanz. The text was Isaiah 53:7-8, the wonderfully precise prophecy of Christ dying in our place to pay the penalty for our sins. Simon does not ask for salvation, but repents of the specific sin that Peter addressed ("this your wickedness," v. 22). Claiming to be more than a mere man. As Philip had done in Samaria where Simon the sorcerer practised (Acts 8:9-13), Paul also received the power of the Holy Spirit to demonstrate the superiority of Jesus Christ over sorcerers and their magic. What exactly was the eunuch’s standing in Jewish religion? Some believe that Simon does not show enough change of life if he was saved. But to escape them, he refused to do what Peter commanded. Peter's words. ACTS 8 BIBLE STUDY Acts 8:5-8 Samaria Acts 8:9-13 Simon the Sorcerer Acts 8:14-19 Receive the Holy Spirit Acts 8:20-25 Simony Acts 8:26-40 Philip and the Ethiopian Eunuch Acts 8 … He says Simon's heart is not right with God (v. 21). Therefore, unless he repented, he would perish just as his money would perish. He tells Simon to repent of a specific sin, "of this your wickedness," and find God's forgiveness (Acts 8:22)—again, an odd way to address an unbeliever who is condemned by sinfulness, not any one sin. Within a short time, Philip brought the light of the gospel to three new regions. 4:32; Heb. Found insideLordship Salvation is a view that has confused many people about the nature of the gospel itself. Based on a Ph.D. dissertation, this is an academic and biblical response to the Lordship view. What Is the Meaning of "Confess" in Romans 10:9-10? 21 You have neither part nor portion in this matter, for your heart is not right in the sight of God. The pronoun "they" in verse 25 probably should be understood as including Philip. "13 Jerusalem is probably where Philip received this command. In spite of Peter's stinging rebuke (verses 20-23), tradition and various legends say Simon presented himself as a … The account says that both men went "down . But a state church views this prerequisite as too demanding, with the effect of keeping some people out of the church who would not object to getting baptized. . If he had merely walked north along the coast, he would have been visible to a multitude of fellow travelers. God in His wisdom never permits more temptation than we can handle (1 Cor. Notice that this message in chapter 56 is close to chapter 53, which the noble Ethiopian was reading when Philip found him. Historically, this is the origin of the word “simony”… Indeed, throughout the long ages before Pentecost, God did not send the Spirit to indwell any believers, even though they were all fully justified by faith (Rom. Acts 8, REV Bible and Commentary. The conversation after Philip climbed into the chariot might easily fill the time required for the chariot to move about five miles. But its widespread disappearance later in church history is still a puzzle that demands solution before we in our day can confidently treat this verse as Scripture. The simplest way I can think of to illustrate what went wrongwith Simon is an experience every mother of toddlers has had.Suppose you have a one-year-old child sitting on your lap andsuddenly in the window there is a beautiful bird and you hold outyour hand to point at the bird and say, "Look, look at the bird. Last week we talked about Philip leading many to Jesus but then Simon the Sorcerer wanted it for personal gain. In obedience to the Great Commission, all who believed were baptized. Then, with a curious choice of words, he added that if Simon prayed for forgiveness, God would "perhaps" forgive him. This describes the response of a believer rather than someone who is initially believing in Christ for salvation. 9 Now for some time a man named Simon had practiced sorcery in the city and amazed all the people of Samaria. Found inside – Page 21In Acts 8:13–23, Simon the sorcerer is said to have believed and been baptized, yet he remained in the gall of bitterness and the bond of iniquity. Our text describes these certain men as having “crept in privily. Found insideSuch acts of power attract the attention of the seven sons of the Jewish high priest Sceva, who have been trying to ... evocation of a magical formula, as the earlier description of Simon the Sorcerer demonstrates (cf. Acts 8:18–23). According to early Christian writers, he continued to practice magic after his supposed conversion and founded a sect combining Christian and pagan elements. The GraceLife Ministries Team is made up of a wide array of financial supporters, volunteers, and staff. Saul's Zeal in Persecution. SIMON THE SORCEROR: BARGAINING WITH GOD. "Gall," referring to liver bile, is here a figurative term for poison2. (14-25) Philip and the Ethiopian. The ancient "Magi" had their rise in Persia, and were at first addicted to the study of philosophy, astronomy, medicine, etc. They tell the story of Simon the sorcerer—a man with a reputation for great power. One side effect is that a gentile eunuch could not fulfill the requirements laid out for anyone desiring to be accepted as a proselyte or probably even as a God-fearer. The question that occurs to many readers is whether the eunuch was a black man. He then provoked an old sorcerer to sidle up to Peter and suggest that it was perfectly natural to buy and sell spiritual power. The same remark may be made of "quack doctors," and of all persons who attempt to delude and impose on people. K. himself was a certain extraordinary person, Die Entstehung der altkatholischen Kirche, which beforetime in the same city used sorcery, giving out that himself was some great one, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers. 9 Now for some time a man named Simon had practiced sorcery in the city and amazed all the people of Samaria. No follower of Christ doubts that Satan took Jesus in a moment of time to a high mountain (Matt. 9) Simon is not the only Bible character who created a lingering reputation. Making Your Call and Election Sure - 2 Peter 1:10-11. Certainly, Simon's misguided request shows such a perverted view of the apostolic position and the gift of the Holy Spirit that it would lead to his ruin or waste in this life. Simon the Sorcerer Believes (Acts 8:9-11) Simon was famous in Samaria and was said to have divine power or what the people called “the Great Power”. Does Grace Allow Christians to Judge Others? See Isaiah 2:6. We do not know how he met the God of Israel. 3:16) and is used at least once in reference to a saved person (1 Cor. Pride is a very, very severe problem in keeping people from God. Later legends enter fully into the various forms of sorcery of which Simon made use. Also, the eunuch’s question in verse 36 is left hanging without an answer. What ever happened to Simon the sorcerer after offering money to receive the power of the Holy Spirit? Acts 8:9 Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers (9) But there was a certain man, called Simon.--The man who is thus brought before us in a brief episode, occupies a prominent place in the history and the legends of the Apostolic Church. After the story about Simon, the end of chapter 8 relates the story of an Ethiopian eunuch who believes Philip's preaching of Christ (vv. Also available is volume 2, covering Acts 15-28. To prevent this from happening, God gave the Samaritans a dramatic sign that they were subject to the apostles' authority. We view people in terms of how they affect us, not in terms of how we might help them. Emperor Constantine was converted to Christianity in AD 312. The earliest Christian writing outside the New Testament is a work called the Didache, a brief manual of church doctrine and practice, which many scholars date about AD 60.50 Its description of baptism leaves no doubt that it is referring to immersion.51. The structure of the sentence shows that the “city” is not identical with Samaria, and that the latter name is used, as elsewhere, for the region. But as we learn later in Luke’s account, his belief proved to be no more than an admission that the apostles of Jesus were vehicles of divine power. Jesus of Nazareth, also known as Jesus Christ, was a Jewish teacher and reformer of religion who has become the main and central figure of Christianity.Christians follow the example of Jesus, accept his words to be true, and worship him as the Jewish messiah and incarnation of God.He is one of the most famous, most recognized, and most influential persons in the world's history. Simon, (whom he also named Peter,) and Andrew his brother, James and John, Philip and Bartholomew, Matthew and Thomas, James the son of Alphaeus, and Simon called Zelotes, And Judas the brother of James, and Judas Iscariot, which also was the traitor. No doubt he was, like Stephen, "a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit" (Acts 6:5). Or perhaps they wanted to shield new members from persecution. The religious background of the Samaritan converts made it necessary for God to withhold the Holy Spirit until they met the apostles. 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