… In some instances, the dead twin will be compressed into a flattened, parchment-like state known as fetus papyraceus.. Vanishing twins occur in up to one out of every eight multifetus pregnancies and may not even be known … Hat schon mal jemand von "vanishing twin" gehört? [3] Unrelated look-alikes whose resemblance parallels that of twins are referred to as doppelgangers. Er waren dus in eerste instantie twee kindjes (of meer), maar uiteindelijk ontwikkelt maar één kindje zich. The disappearance before birth of one twin. The twin at right in the image is shown in the coronal plane with the head pointing rightwards. Wenn Sie unsere englische Version besuchen und Definitionen von Vanishing Twin Syndrome in anderen Sprachen sehen … [69], Heterotopic pregnancy is an exceedingly rare type of dizygotic twinning in which one twin implants in the uterus as normal and the other remains in the fallopian tube as an ectopic pregnancy. The exact mechanism of fertilization could not be determined but the study stated that it was unlikely to be a case of polar body twinning. 2009 May 15;151C(2):136-41. [38], In 2003, a study argued that many cases of triploidy arise from sesquizygotic (semi-identical) twinning.[39]. [70][71] Vaginal delivery in this case does not worsen the outcome for the infant as compared with Caesarean section. [44] Monochorionic-Diamniotic twins are almost always monozygotic, with a few exceptions where the blastocysts have fused.[41]. The degree of difficulty rises if a vital organ or structure is shared between twins, such as the brain, heart or liver. These studies have converged on the notion that there is a greater rate of delay in language development in twins compared to their single-born counterparts. [89], There have been many studies highlighting the development of language in twins compared to single-born children. Epigenetics refers to the level of activity of any particular gene. 배니싱 트윈(vanishing twin)은 임신 중에 쌍생아 가운데 하나가 모체에서 부분적으로나 완전히 사라지는 태아를 말한다. ich hatte das in meiner 2. schwangerschaft. The timing of this separation determines the chorionicity (the number of placentae) and amniocity (the number of sacs) of the pregnancy. [82][83][84], In 2007, a study reported a case of a pair of living twins, which shared an identical set of maternal chromosomes, while each having a distinct set of paternal chromosomes, albeit from the same man, and thus they most likely share half of their father's genetic makeup. Reversal of anovulation with clomifene (trade names including Clomid) has a relatively less but yet significant risk of multiple pregnancy. Im Gegensatz zu einer Fehlgeburt, die häufig operativ entfernt werden muss, geht der Fötus vor der 24. Wat is het vanishing twin syndrome? Sie können Entzündungen auslösen und sich bei Frauen auch auf die... Mehr... Bei einer Eileiterschwangerschaft, die in der Fachsprache als Extrauteringravidität (lat. aber er ist ein kämpfer gewesen. [2], In contrast, a fetus that develops alone in the womb (the much more common case, in humans) is called a singleton, and the general term for one offspring of a multiple birth is a multiple. Der Mensch besitzt normalerweise 23 Chromosomenpaare, wobei das Bild von Frauen und Männern einen... Mehr... Mein Erik war am 16.06. ein Jahr und es ist echt der pure Wahnsinn, was sich im ersten... Ist zwar ruhig hier, aber ich wollte den Meilenstein noch festhalten: Tom läuft 3-4... Wo ist bloß die Zeit geblieben? Die Schweinegrippe wirft als neu aufgetretene Grippeerkrankung für viele Schwangere Fragen auf. [17] However, males are also more susceptible than females to die in utero, and since the death rate in utero is higher for twins, it leads to female twins being more common than male twins.[18]. Kommt es im späteren Verlauf einer Zwillingsschwangerschaft (etwa ab der 24. But if monozygotic twins separate early enough, the arrangement of sacs and placentas in utero is indistinguishable from dizygotic twins. Possibly the worldwide record for the duration of the time gap between the first and the second delivery was the birth of twins 97 days apart in Cologne, Germany, the first of which was born on November 17, 2018.[64]. u.a. Vanishing twin syndrome is a type of miscarriage. There are several reasons for the "vanishing" fetus, including it being embodied or absorbed by the other fe… Monozygotic twins who share a placenta can develop twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome. [73] In twins that share the same placenta, delivery may be considered at 36 weeks. Monozygotic twins, although genetically very similar, are not genetically exactly the same. Vanishing Twin. Mehr... Stammzellen aus der Nabelschnur haben ein großes Potential bei der Behandlung von Krankheiten, Wie smarte Technologien werdenden Mamas Sicherheit geben können. A coronal plane is shown of the twin at left, and a sagittal plane of parts of the upper thorax and head is shown of the twin at right. [51] The Argentine historian Jorge Camarasa has put forward the theory that experiments of the Nazi doctor Josef Mengele could be responsible for the high ratio of twins in the area. A 2006 study has found that insulin-like growth factor present in dairy products may increase the chance of dizygotic twinning. [22] With the advent of technologies and techniques to assist women in getting pregnant, the rate of fraternals has increased markedly. Monoamniotic twins are always monozygotic. Female-male twins: This is the most common pairing (50%), simply by virtue of it encompassing both "female-male" (25%) and "male-female" (25%) twins. Idioglossia has been found to be a rare occurrence and the attention of scientists has shifted away from this idea. Mehr... Siamesische Zwillinge sind eineiige Zwillinge, deren Körper miteinander verwachsen sind. Vanishing Twin Singer Cathy Lucas (Innerspace Orchestra), drummer Valentina Magaletti (Raime, Tomaga, Uuuu, Neon Neon), bassist Susumu Mukai (Zongamin, Floating Points), library music head Phil M.F.U. The excluded twin pregnancies were in cases of (1) delivery before 34 weeks of gestation; (2) when the first twin was delivered by, Populated places with highest incidence of multiple birth, "Twins, Triplets, Multiple Births: MedlinePlus", "What's in a yam? She is between the age of 30 and 40 years, She is greater than average height and weight. Dichorionic twins either never divided (i.e. IVF techniques are more likely to create dizygotic twins. A follow-up ultrasound can determine if one twin has been lost. Monozygotic (MZ) or identical twins occur when a single egg is fertilized to form one zygote (hence, "monozygotic") which then divides into two separate embryos. In the United States it has been estimated that by 2011 36% of twin births resulted from conception by assisted reproductive technology.[61]. HBO acquired the rights to develop a limited series with Bennett as executive producer.The Vanishing Half garnered acclaim from book critics, and was found by Emily Temple of Literary Hub to be … If they occur early in fetal development, they will be present in a very large proportion of body cells. Abschied nehmen von Fitus: ein Erfahrungbericht mit Cytotec - missed... Gätje, R. In this case they shared 100% of their maternal chromosomes and 78% of their paternal genomic information. Dizygotic twins are also more common for older mothers, with twinning rates doubling in mothers over the age of 35. "[47], From 1980 to 1997, the number of twin births in the United States rose 52%. : Kurzlehrbuch Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe. [citation needed], Dizygotic twins from biracial couples can sometimes be mixed twins, which exhibit differing ethnic and racial features. The rates for singletons vary slightly by country. : extra= außerhalb, uterus= Gebärmutter, graviditas= Schwangerschaft - EUG) bezeichnet... Mehr... Verdauungsprobleme in der Schwangerschaft sind weit verbreitet. Vanishing Twin (refers to the foetal resorption of Lucas’ twin during pregnancy) are a London-based psychedelic pop quintet, founded in 2015. A chimera may be intersex, composed of cells from a male twin and a female twin. Wir zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie Ihren Darm sanft in... Mehr... Autoren Besonders Verstopfung macht vielen werdenden Müttern zu schaffen. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. Early obstetric ultrasonographyexams sometimes reveal an "extra" fetus, which fails to develop and instead disintegrates and vanishes in the uterus. North America and Europe have intermediate rates of 9 to 16 twin sets per 1,000 live births. It may also be linked to the increase of growth hormones in food.[47]. The vast majority of twins are either dizygotic (fraternal) or monozygotic (identical). One fetus acts as a parasite towards the other. Not really identical: epigenetic differences in monozygotic twins and implications for twin studies in psychiatry. [11], Multiple pregnancies are much less likely to carry to full term than single births, with twin pregnancies lasting on average 37 weeks, three weeks less than full term. Vom weiter wachsenden Zwilling werden die restlichen Anlagen pergamentartig plattgedrückt. A vanishing twin, also known as fetal resorption, is a fetus in a multi-gestation pregnancy which dies in utero and is then partially or completely reabsorbed. Schweinegrippe: Neuer Erreger G4 entdeckt, Stammzellen aus der Nabelschnur einlagern – warum das sinnvoll ist. A gene may become switched on, switched off, or could become partially switched on or off in an individual. [68] There is an increased possibility of potential complications as the birth weight of the baby decreases. [33] However, certain characteristics become more alike as twins age, such as IQ and personality. Twin brothers promoted as Majors General together. Zygosity Reveal", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Twin&oldid=1006552915#Fraternal, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from September 2010, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2015, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2019, Articles containing potentially dated statements from 2019, All articles containing potentially dated statements, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Eggs are fertilized during different acts of intercourse, A woman gets pregnant again while already pregnant, resulting in multiple fetuses at differing developmental stages, By definition only healthy fully formed fetus, Twin resorption, twin embolisation syndrome, Up to 1 of every 8 multifetus pregnancies, Normally, twins have two separate (di- being a, Dichorionic-Diamniotic twins form when splitting takes place by the third day after. [45], The survival rate for monoamniotic twins is somewhere between 50%[45] to 60%.[46]. Triplets, quadruplets and higher order multiples can also experience this sort of loss. العربية ; English; Español; Français; 한국어; Polski; Edit links. This is the vanishing twin phenomenon. Sie sind auf der linken Seite unten aufgeführt. Current research is looking into the impacts of a richer social environment for these twins to stimulate their development of language.[92]. The number of cells derived from each fetus can vary from one part of the body to another, and often leads to characteristic mosaicism skin coloration in human chimeras. [22] This is in marked contrast to dizygotic twinning, which ranges from about six per thousand births in Japan (almost similar to the rate of identical twins, which is around 4–5) to 15 and more per thousand in some parts of India[26] and up to over 20 in some Central African countries. A chimera may arise either from monozygotic twin fetuses (where it would be impossible to detect), or from dizygotic fetuses, which can be identified by chromosomal comparisons from various parts of the body. Fifty-year-old twins had over three times the epigenetic difference of three-year-old twins. Häufig sieht man noch die Fruchtblase, deren Inneres aber leer ist. Nuevo Diccionario Inglés-Español. [23], Monozygotic twins may also be created artificially by embryo splitting. Version 2, edited by SnackaryBinx on 31 October 2016, 12:32pm Re: Vanishing twin... hallo cutty, das tut mir sehr leid. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction 4.2 (1994): 107-130. Polymorphisms appeared in 2 of the 33 million comparisons, leading the researchers to extrapolate that the blood cells of monozygotic twins may have on the order of one DNA-sequence difference for every 12 million nucleotides, which would imply hundreds of differences across the entire genome. Der abgegangene Zwilling wird vom Körper der Mutter absorbiert. Früher hätte man das gar nicht gemerkt, nur heutzutage durch den Ultraschall, sieht man manchmal früh in der Schwangerschaft 2 Embryonen, wovon später dann nur noch einer übrig ist. Zwillingstransfusionssyndrom (fetofetales Transfusionssyndrom). Monozygotic twins can develop differently, due to their genes being differently activated. Neben Vanishing Twin Syndrome hat VTS andere Bedeutungen. Female–female twins: Sometimes called sororal twins (25%). Philip K. Dick, American science fiction author whose twin sister, Jane, died … When the division of the developing zygote into 2 embryos occurs, 99% of the time it is within 8 days of fertilization. Betroffen sind eineiige Zwillinge, die gemeinsam über eine... Mehr... Wie entstehen eigentlich Zwillinge und wie hoch ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit dafür? Schwangerschaftswoche ab. (Man From Uranus) on strange sounds, and film maker and visual artist Elliott Arndt on flute and percussion. Twins are two offspring produced by the same pregnancy. Sie werden dann als Fetus papyraceus bezeichnet. Twinless twins around the world unite through organizations and online groups to share support and the status as a twinless twin. A very rare type of parasitic twinning is one where a single viable twin is endangered when the other zygote becomes cancerous, or "molar". Nutzungsbedingungen & Datenschutz However, there are researchers and scientists that say cryptophasia or idioglossia is not a rare phenomenon. Regarding spontaneous or natural monozygotic twinning, a recent theory proposes that monozygotic twins are probably formed when a blastocyst contains two inner cell masses (ICM), each of which will lead to a separate fetus, rather than by the embryo splitting while hatching from the zona pellucida (the gelatinous protective coating around the blastocyst). Ideal sources for Wikipedia's health content are defined in the guideline Wikipedia:Identifying reliable sources (medicine) and are typically review articles.Here are links to possibly useful sources of information about Vanishing twin.. PubMed provides review articles from the past five years (limit to free review articles); The TRIP database provides clinical publications about … Members of sassya-, Fredelica, and nikka. Another term to describe what some people call "twin talk" is cryptophasia where a language is developed by twins that only they can understand. The authors were unable to predict whether a healthy fetus could result from a polar body twinning. They draw influence from bands from Three One G and Gravity records labels. [70] There is controversy on the best method of delivery where the first twin is head first and the second is not. [12] Women who have a family history of fraternal twins have a higher chance of producing fraternal twins themselves, as there is a genetically linked tendency to hyper-ovulate. This is known as vanishing twin syndrome. Mit der Teilnahme an unseren interaktiven Gewinnspielen sichern Sie sich hochwertige Preise für sich und Ihre Liebsten! The probability of this is so small that multiples having different sexes is universally accepted as a sound basis for in utero clinical determination that the multiples are not monozygotic. The DNA in white blood cells of 66 pairs of monozygotic twins was analyzed for 506,786 single-nucleotide polymorphisms known to occur in human populations. Studies show that there is a genetic proclivity for dizygotic twinning. This phenomenon is known as heteropaternal superfecundation. [24], Monozygotic twinning occurs in birthing at a rate of about 3 in every 1000 deliveries worldwide (about 0.3% of the world population).[25]. Nabelschnurblut einlagern - so funktioniert´s! Intrauterine death occurs when a baby dies during late pregnancy. In 2001, for the first time ever in the US, the twinning rate exceeded 3% of all births. A female calf that is the twin of a bull becomes partially masculinized and is known as a freemartin. A study of 80 pairs of monozygotic twins ranging in age from three to 74 showed that the youngest twins have relatively few epigenetic differences. 쌍둥이 소실(쌍생아 소실), 태아 흡수(fetal resorption, 태자 흡수)라고도 한다. This estimate corresponds to the given diagnoses, since ultrasound is used in the early stages of pregnancy. ", "Scientists stunned by discovery of 'semi-identical' twins", "Identical and Fraternal Twins – Determining Zygosity in Twins", "Study: Time-lapse recordings reveal why IVF embryos are more likely to develop into twins", "Projections of population-based twinning rates through the year 2100", "Time-lapse recordings reveal why IVF embryos are more likely to develop into twins. [5] The Yoruba people have the highest rate of twinning in the world, at 45–50 twin sets (90–100 twins) per 1,000 live births,[6][7][8] possibly because of high consumption of a specific type of yam containing a natural phytoestrogen which may stimulate the ovaries to release an egg from each side. [49] The rate of dizygotic twinning varies greatly among ethnic groups, ranging as high as about 45 per 1000 births (4.5%) for the Yoruba to 10% for Linha São Pedro, a tiny Brazilian settlement which belongs to the city of Cândido Godói. [70] When the first twin is not head down a caesarean section is often recommended. However, dizygotic twins may also look very different from each other (for example, be of opposite sexes). The risk of twin birth can vary depending on what types of fertility treatments are used. Diese nimmt häufig eine Schmierblutung oder auch keine Symptome wahr. 3, 4) Dieses Ereignis ist relativ häufi g, daher gilt an manchen Orten die Empfehlung, eine frühe Zwillingsschwangerschaft erst dann der Schwangeren mitzuteilen, wenn man sicher weiß, dass beide vital sind und weiterwachsen. Der abgegangene Zwilling wird vom Körper der Mutter absorbiert. [27], Monozygotic twins are genetically nearly identical and they are always the same sex unless there has been a mutation during development. The exact causes of vanishing twin syndrome are unknown. Twins are common in many mammal species, including cats, sheep, ferrets, giant pandas, dolphins, dogs, deer, marmosets, tamarins, and elephants. Netiquette Normally due to an environmental factor or the deactivation of different X chromosomes in female monozygotic twins, and in some extremely rare cases, due to aneuploidy, twins may express different sexual phenotypes, normally from an XXY Klinefelter syndrome zygote splitting unevenly.[29][30][31]. This form had been speculated until only recently being recorded in Western medicine. Abdominal ultrasonography of monoamniotic twins at a gestational age of 15 weeks. One twin, the 'donor' twin, is small and anemic, the other, the 'recipient' twin, is large and polycythemic. Nevertheless, the rate of monozygotic twins remains at about 1 in 333 across the globe. Also, the two umbilical cords have an increased chance of being tangled around the babies. ): Ultraschall in Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe. The increased focused communication between two twins may isolate them from the social environment surrounding them. Er entwickelt sich als "Einling" weiter. Less common variants are discussed further down the article. Monozygotic twins can have markedly different epigenetic profiles. [52] A high twinning rate has also been observed in other places of the world, including: The widespread use of fertility drugs causing hyperovulation (stimulated release of multiple eggs by the mother) has caused what some call an "epidemic of multiple births". Premature birth and low birth weights, especially when under 3.5 pounds (1.6 kg), can increase the risk of several health-related issues, such as vision and hearing loss, mental disabilities, and cerebral palsy. The incidence of twinning among cattle is about 1–4%, and research is underway to improve the odds of twinning, which can be more profitable for the breeder if complications can be sidestepped or managed. Auch der Begriff „Womb-Twins“ - „Bauchzwillinge“ oder „Uteruszwillinge“ wird verwendet 2. The group is made up of singer Cathy Lucas (Innerspace Orchestra), drummer Valentina Magaletti (Raime, Tomaga, Uuuu, Neon Neon), bassist Susumu Mukai (Zongamin, Floating Points), library music … Another abnormality that can result in monozygotic twins of different sexes is if the egg is fertilized by a male sperm but during cell division only the X chromosome is duplicated. If the division of the zygote occurs later than the 12 days then. About 1 in 90 human births (1.1%) results from a twin pregnancy. [80][81] These "half-identical twins" are hypothesized to occur when an unfertilized egg cleaves into two identical attached ova, both of which are viable for fertilization. Dizygotic (DZ) or fraternal twins (also referred to as "non-identical twins", "dissimilar twins", "biovular twins", and, informally in the case of females, "sororal twins") usually occur when two fertilized eggs are implanted in the uterus wall at the same time. If an early ultrasound shows a twin pregnancy, but a mother experiences symptoms of miscarriage or lower-than-expected hCG levels, or only one heartbeat can be detected via Doppler, a doctor may suspect vanishing twin syndrome. © 2020 | 9monate.de, Beiträge im Forum "Geburtstermin Juli/August 2018", Die besten Stellungen zum Schwanger werden, intrafytoplasmatische Spermieninjektion (ICSI), Top-Tool: Chinesischer Emfpängniskalender, Stammzellen aus der Nabelschnur einlagern. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone thats tested to detect if youre pregnant or not. Thieme, Stuttgart 2012. The incidence of multiple births was related to maternal age but did not bear any association to the climate or prevalence of malaria. One of two offspring produced by the same pregnancy. If this blastomere then undergoes a twinning event, two embryos will be formed, with different paternal genetic information and identical maternal genetic information. Wann kommt mein Baby? A twinless twin, or lone twin, is a person whose twin has died. Martin, Joyce A.; Hamilton, Brady E.; Osterman, Michelle J.K. "Three Decades of Twin Births in the United States, 1980–2009", There were 836,104 deliveries of babies in Hesse over the 15-year study period, including 11,740 twin pregnancies, of which only 4,110 met the inclusion criteria and hence were examined in the study. [58][59], Twins are more common in African Americans.[60]. Sometimes one twin fetus will fail to develop completely and continue to cause problems for its surviving twin. [32] The mutations producing the differences detected in this study would have occurred during embryonic cell-division (after the point of fertilization). Vanishing twin syndrome is typically diagnosed by ultrasound. [88] The term "mirror image" is used because the twins, when facing each other, appear as matching reflections. If youre pregnant, especially with multiples, your doctor might want to monitor your hCG levels to make sure theyre rising the way they should. His theory was rejected by Brazilian scientists who had studied twins living in Linha São Pedro; they suggested genetic factors within that community as a more likely explanation. A gene that influences the prenatal survival of dizygotic (non… Liebe Leute, ich hatte heute bei 8+6 meinen ersten FA Termin mit Ultraschall. Monozygotic twins split into two zygotes at some time very early in the pregnancy. vanishing twin. Conjoined twins (or the once-commonly used term "siamese") are monozygotic twins whose bodies are joined together during pregnancy. The group is led by singer and guitarist Cathy Lucas, also a member of Fanfarlo, and have released two albums: Choose Your Own Adventure (2016) and The Age of Immunology (2019).. : were dizygotic) or they divided within the first 4 days. Male–male twins: Sometimes called fraternal twins (25%). | Washington State Twin Registry | Washington State University", 10.1002/(SICI)1097-0223(199901)19:1<72::AID-PD465>3.0.CO;2-V, "Male twins reduce fitness of female co-twins in humans", "Selection for Increased Brood Size in Historical Human Populations", "Facts About Multiples: An Encyclopedia of Multiple Birth Records", "Twin Zygosity Test for Dichorionic Diamniotic (Di/Di) Twins! s. gemelo desaparecido. Mit dem Geburtsterminrechner können Sie das schnell und einfach herausfinden. Diese nimmt häufig eine Schmierblutung oder auch keine Symptome wahr. [34][35][36], In January 2021, new research from a team of researchers in Iceland was published in the journal Nature Genetics suggesting that identical twins may not be quite as identical as previously thought. „Vanishing twin“ – ein Fruchtsack wächst nicht mehr (Abb. "Heterogeneous learning in the Doppelgänger user modeling system." [37], A 1981 study of a deceased triploid XXX twin fetus without a heart showed that although its fetal development suggested that it was an identical twin, as it shared a placenta with its healthy twin, tests revealed that it was probably a polar body twin. Interpretación Traducción  vanishing twin. Typically, this results when one twin has either triploidy or complete paternal uniparental disomy, resulting in little or no fetus and a cancerous, overgrown placenta, resembling a bunch of grapes. Für den anderen Zwilling ist das nicht problematisch. Mehr... Schwangerschaft und Stillzeit in Zeiten von Corona: Wie gefährdet sind Schwangere wirklich durch das Coronavirus und auf was sollten sie achten? Intrapartum death, which is more common, occurs when a baby dies while the mother is giving birth. [4], The human twin birth rate in the United States rose 76% from 1980 through 2009, from 9.4 to 16.7 twin sets (18.8 to 33.3 twins) per 1,000 births. The degree of separation of the twins in utero depends on if and when they split into two zygotes. In Piscina, released 06 March 2020 1. Cookie-Einstellungen [70] It is estimated that 75% of twin pregnancies in the United States were delivered by caesarean section in 2008. This means that the molar zygote's cellular division continues unchecked, resulting in a cancerous growth that overtakes the viable fetus. The twin at left in the image is shown in the sagittal plane with the head pointing towards upper left. Über uns Vanishing twin syndrome refers to a condition that can take place during early or later pregnancy. Monoamnionic twins divide after the first week. The predisposing factors of monozygotic twinning are unknown. The incidence of multiple births, which was about five times higher than that observed in any western population, was significantly lower than that of other ethnic groups, who live in the hot and humid climate of the southern part of the country. Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet. Die Fehlgeburt eines der Zwillinge mit Krämpfen und Blutungen gilt aus medizinischer Sicht dementsprechend nicht als Vanishing Twin Syndrome. Ein Vanishing twin kann verschieden Ursachen haben: Entwicklungsstörungen, Chromosomenstörungen oder andere Gründe führen dazu, dass sich ein Zwilling nicht mehr weiterentwickeln kann. This occurrence is similar to the vanishing twin syndrome, but typically occurs later, as the twin is not reabsorbed. Dizygotic twins share only 50 percent of each other's genes, which resemble amongst siblings that are conceived and born at different times. Twins who had spent their lives apart (such as those adopted by two different sets of parents at birth) had the greatest difference. Medical dictionary. Another cause of difference between monozygotic twins is epigenetic modification, caused by differing environmental influences throughout their lives. [63] The delivery interval between the twins was measured as follows: The study stated that the occurrence of complications "was found to be more likely with increasing twin-to-twin delivery time interval" and suggested that the interval be kept short, though it noted that the study did not examine causes of complications and did not control for factors such as the level of experience of the obstetrician, the wish of the women giving birth, or the "management strategies" of the procedure of delivering the second twin.

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