2 H ome Screen The home s creen contain s a high-level over view of the sele cted inp ut or output channel, and oe rs various a djustment s not available through t he dedicated top-panel control s: The home s creen contain s the following sep arate tabs: 1. 1 0 . PDF User's Manual has 74 pages and its size is 14.13 Mb. Dort finden Sie die wichtigsten technischen Daten für Behringer X32 Compact - auf diese Weise prüfen Sie, ob das Gerät Ihren Wünschen entspricht. Theynow ac t as “vir tual aux send k nobs” for the M ix Bus 1 feedin g the sta gemonitor , allowing you to quickl y adjust ... 27 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 5. 2 Monitor/T alk back Screen: T alkback T abs : The talk back tabs o er various adjus tments f or the talkbac k paths of the cons ole , such as de stination of th e talkback signa l and more. 12 . Medium Dark Chamber 6. Pleas e note that at any time, there is e xactly o ne ? 4 . In ihr sollten sich Informationen über die Lokalisierung des Inhaltsverzeichnisses von Behringer X32 Compact befinden, FAQ oder über oft auftretende Probleme – also Stellen, die von den Benutzern in jeder Bedienungsanleitung am meisten gesucht werden Input Channels 17-32 are pre-configured to AES50 A inputs 1-16, so that 4. Read online Mixers Behringer X32 COMPACT User's Manual Large Wide Chamber 3. Home: Ge neral signal path fo r the sele ... 42 X 3 2 COMP ACT DI GIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 7. Die komplette Bedienungsanleitung des Geräts Behringer X32 Compact, wie sollte sie aussehen? 3 Home S creen: G ate T ab The gate tab disp la ys all aspec ts of t he channel noise gate and a l lows for ver y deep cont rol of the gate ee ct. Whe reas the top panel ’ s d edicated gate se ction allows contro l of the gate’ s threshold a nd in/ out stat us, the gate tab oer s many ... 43 X32 C OMP A C T DIGIT AL MIXER User Manual • Linear: In t his mode, the rate of gain chang e is constant (as set by the timing cont rols ) . T o be able to do this the X 3 2 COMP AC T has to be set up prop erly . Twist Latches. 40 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 7. Insert Pos. Das Handbuch ansehen und herunterladen von Behringer X32 Compact Mischpulte (Seite 2 von 32) (Deutsch, Englisch, Spanisch, Französisch, Portugiesisch). Insert Pos. 2 Assig n Screen: S et A T ab The “Se t A ” tab allows mapping of spe cic console p arameters to th e 8 assignable but tons. There are t wo ty pes of ee cts t hat are commonly use d : • “Eec ts Loo p” ( side chain) sty le eec ts, where m ultiple channels all sen d var ying amount s of their signal to a common e ec t, such as a reverb, delay ,? Overview; Reviews; Downloads; Videos; Behringer > Products > Mixers > Digital > X32 COMPACT > Videos; Product. Like. OK. Español ; ES Energizado por . SPEED adjust s the LFO rate and DEPTH se ts the ... 22 X32 C OMP AC T DIGIT AL MIXER User Manual Mood Filter The Moo d Filter uses an LFO gene rator and an auto- envelope generator to co ntrol a VCF ( voltage -controlle d lter ) , as well as a side chain f unc tion where the channel B signa l controls the envelope of c hannel A. you wish toe dit. Notethat the comp uter needs to be ab le to handle that amount of conc urrent I/O str eam without any glitche s. 34 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 32 in / 8 out This mode is t ailored to suit a t ypica l studio and overdub r ecording situat ion, withmany inp ut channels but only a f ew output chan nels for monitor ing of previously recorded tak es. of Not only does it allow us to add some pretty neat effects, but it gives us access to some very valuable tools like compressors, DeEssers and graphic equalizers. Large Hall 2. Full screen Standard. The LO CUT knob set s a low frequen cy beneat h which the source sig nal will not pass thro ugh the reverb. Wenn Sie tiefer in die Benutzeranleitung von Behringer X32 Compact reinschauen, lernen Sie alle zugänglichen Produktfunktionen kennen, sowie erhalten Informationen über die Nutzung. DIFF( USION) controls the ini tial reec tion densit y . Das Handbuch ansehen und herunterladen von Behringer X32 Mischpulte (Seite 25 von 28) (Deutsch, Englisch, Spanisch, Französisch, Portugiesisch). The ’Synchronisat ion’ screen allows manual selec tion of the s ample rate and clocks ource. Free download PDF User's Manual for Behringer X32 COMPACT Mixers. 9 Ut ility Screen The utili ty scr een is a supplement al screen de signed to work in conjunc tion with t he other scre ens that may be in view at any par ticular moment . X32-Mix harnesses the power of BEHRINGER’s award-winning X32 digital mixing console by allowing you to control mixing and routing functions right from your iPad®. Setting up a live stage monitor mix using the P16 Ultranet Bus: x32 compact-eu Compact 40-Input, 25-Bus Digital Mixing Console with 16 Programmable MIDAS Preamps, 17 Motorized Faders, Channel LCD's, 32-Channel Audio Interface and iPad/iPhone* Remote Control X32-EU 49 X32 C OMP A C T DIGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 7 .4.4 Routing Screen: P 1 6 T ab The rou ting screen’s P1 6 tab allows the user to rou te various conso le signal paths to the rear pan el P 1 6 Ultrane t output. 3. The app’s User Interf ace is optimized f or the touchsc re ... 12 X3 2 C OMP ACT DIGI T AL MIXER U ser Manual 2. 11 How do I share sig nals o v er AES 50S upermac network ? 2. Behringer. 11 USB Screen The USB scree n controls variou s aspec ts of the conso le’ s onboard audio le player /recorder , allowing the us er to record ster eo audio to an at tached USBdrive, as well as playback aud io les from t he drive through t he console. The librar ies scre en contains the follow ing separate tab s: 1. This is par ticular ly useful i n theater contex ts, where gr oups of microp hones (sucha ... 28 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 5 . 8 in / 8 out a nd 2 in / 2 out For ver y small recording s essions or overdubs w ith single sour ... 35 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 6.2 C onguring the PC to Interface withtheX -USB Card Please watch behringer .com for fur ther advice on the sof tware conguration of X-USB interf ace card. Inhaltsverzeichnis - Index aller Ratschläge bezüglich Behringer X32 Compact, die wir im aktuellen Dokument finden It mute s the act ive screen dur ing the process o f assigning channels to mu te groups . 18 X32 C OMP A C T DIGIT AL MIXER User Manual 4. Jede von ihnen ist wichtig, jedoch finden wir die wichtigsten Informationen für den Nutzer des Geräts in der Bedienungsanleitung Behringer X32 Compact. Main D ispla y 7. Eine gänzliche Bedienungsanleitung von Behringer sollte einige Grundelemente enthalten. The BEHRINGER X-USB High-Performance 32-Channel 24-Bit USB Audio Interface The X-USB card provides 32 channel, bi-directional audio I/O via USB 2.0 to Mac or Windows PC. 60 X32 C OM P AC T DIGIT AL MIXER User Manual “View ” Based Screens The sc reens descr ibed in the fo llowing sec tions are all “ View” bas ed screen s. Theyare navigate d to b y pressin g the “View ” but ton in various se ctions o f the console to p panel. 6. Schauen Sie die Anleitung durch und lösen die Probleme mit Behringer X32 Compact. Behringer X32 PRODUCER €--,-- Behringer S32 €--,-- ... Behringer X32 €--,-- Behringer X32 COMPACT €--,-- ... Het is zo ver, na 30 jaar research en development brengt Behringer de WING op de markt. 2 Setup Screen: Cong T ab: The set up screen’s cong tab allows adjus tment of vario us audio-r elated set tings, such as the co nsole’ s base s ample rate and use of an inter nal or ex ternal digital clock . Individual channels c an be assigne d to these mute gro ups, allowing you to mute multip le channels with a single but tonpush. T erminals marked with this symbol carr y . 12 X3 2 C OMP ACT DIGI T AL MIXER U ser Manual 2. In unserem Service können Sie sich die populärste Bedienungsanleitung des Produkts Behringer X32 Compact ansehen. Download. Since there are n o parameter s to adjust for the m etering displays, none of t he metering sc ... 46 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 7. 8 Mute Group Screen The mute gr oup screen allows f or quick assignm ent and control of th e console’ s 6mute group s, and oers t wo separate f unct ions: 1. PDF files 6 Views 189911 Audio Interfaces Behringer U-PHORIA UMC404HD User's Guide. 20 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual When Layer 1 is se lecte d , the far le ft enco der push but ton allows you to selec t bet ween vir tual fro nt and rear output s. Rear is suitab le for drums due to i t being less re ect ive . The curr ently ac tive layer will light. 3 Scenes Screen: Parameter Safe T ab The scene s screen’s “ parameter s afe” tab congur es which conso le parameter s are and are not s aved/ swi t ched wi th the console s cenes. 4. There are two categories of effects that the X32 gives us access to, ‘Side-Chain’ and ‘Insert.’ There is a big difference … 10 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual Inputs -6 -12 -18 -24 -30 -36 -42 -48 -54 clip Link Gain dB 00.00 Send Pos. LIMITED W ARRANTY. Troubleshooting - geordneter Tätigkeitslauf, der uns bei der Diagnose und als nächstes bei der Lösung wichtiger Probleme mit Behringer X32 Compact hilft Ratschläge zur Nutzung der Grundfunktionen des Geräts Behringer X32 Compact - die uns die ersten Schritte während der Nutzung von Behringer X32 Compact erleichtern sollten 3 Navigation Methods Following is an over view of how to navigate to the d ierent conso le screens, scre en tabs, and set s of encoder par ameters. Deutsch; DE Unterstützt von . Insert Link Bus Sends Insert Connect Pre LeOnde. By includ ing dedicated r otary co ntrollers tha t correspond to adj acent c ... 39 X32 C OMP ACT DIG IT AL MIXER U ser Manual Main Conte nt Link Lo Cut 01: 01 0:00 - 0:00 B: - C: XUF : 37 14:11 -6 -12 -18 -24 -30 -36 -42 -48 -54 clip home gate dyn eq sends ma in cong Gain Gain 48V In Pre Post Ins Delay Lo Cut Lo Cut Source Ins Pos Insert Delay Delay dB +0.0 Hz 2.0 Reverse t ft m ms 0.3 0.10 0.03 Source OFF Input 01 Input 02 ... 40 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 7. 55 X 3 2 COMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual The Sc ribble Strip tab allow s the color , icon and name that appear s in the small LCD display of a channel, bus, matri x or DCA gro up to be adjusted. 4 Routing Screen The rou ting screen is w here all signal patching is do ne , allowing you to rou te internal signal p aths to and fro m the physical inpu t/ output co nnector s located o n the conso le’ s rear panel. Jedoch ist die eine der wichtigsten Rollen, die eine Bedienungsanleitung für den Nutzer spielt, die Hilfe bei der Lösung von Problemen mit Behringer X32 Compact. 6 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual Input Channel Bank s Y ou will nd a sele ct but ton on top of ever y channel that is u sed to direc t the control f ocus of the us er interf ace, including all channel re lated parameter s ( channel s trip and main display) , tothat channel. Use only high-quality professional speaker cables with ¼" TS or twist-locking plugs pre-installed. 6 Libraries Screen The librar ies scre en allows loading and savin g of commonly used s etups for t he channel inp uts, ee cts p rocessor s, and routing s cenarios. Einige Übersetzungen können ungenau sein. Behringer X32 COMPACT-TP User Manual. Selec t an input c hannel layer ( Ch 1 -8, 9- 1 6, 17 - 2 4, 25- 3 2, or Aux/ U SB ) . 4 . 33 X32 C OMP A C T DIGIT AL MIXER User Manual This mode o bviously allows the f ull potential of the inter face to be t apped. The X32 Digital Mixer family is the result of the engineering, manufacturing and application expertise of legendary console manufacturer MIDAS, the iconic signal processing genius of KLARK TEKNIK and BEHRINGER ’s unique ability to deliver a superior value proposition. 2 Routing Screen: Analog Out T ab The rou ting screen’s analog out tab allow s the user to patch the co nsole’ s various internal signal p aths to the 1 6 analog XLR out puts that ar e located on the co nsole rear panel. 6 Ro uting Sc reen: AES50 -A and AES50 -B T abs: The rou ting screen’s AES50-A and AE S50-B tab s allow the user to patch var ious console ou tput paths to t he output s of the dual AES50 connec tors. Side-Chain vs. Insert. - oder Energieetiketten Behringer X32 Compact Buy your case locally. 27 X3 2 C OMP ACT D IGIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 5. It mute s the act ive screen dur ing the process o f assigning channels to mu te groups . Die restlichen von ihnen jedoch, sollten Informationen liefern, die für den Nutzer von enormer Wichtigkeit sind. Natürlich lohnt es sich trotzdem, die ausführliche Bedienungsanleitung von der Behringer-Homepage herunterzuladen und durchzulesen, weil man evtl. 8 Using Mute Groups The X 3 2 C OMP A CT has 6 s eparate “mute groups” . Any detec ted drop ou ts will be doc umented as well, in which c ase a larger bue r should be s electe d. 6.3 X-USB S pecications * depends on system performance and ap plication Expansion Card Features: Inter ... 38 X32 C OMP A C T DIGIT AL MIXER User Manual 7. 24 X32 C OM P AC T DIGIT AL MIXER User Manual 5. core functionality and processing of BEHRINGER's flagship X32 console in a smaller form factor. 11 USB Screen The USB scree n controls variou s aspec ts of the conso le’ s onboard audio le player /recorder , allowing the us er to record ster eo audio to an at tached USBdrive, as well as playback aud io les from t he drive through t he console. 42 X 3 2 COMP ACT DI GIT AL MIXER U ser Manual 7. Uses only one F X slot. - Produktkarten Behringer 6. Details abo ut the app’ s download, se tup and operati on are available on the X 3 2 COMP AC T produc t page.
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