Anyone else bothered by the part of the advice that discusses the husband living in his own small apartment? If a miracle happened in the middle of the night, how would your life be different the next morning? You can get a divorce if you are so unhappy because this can effect your health stress in it self will make a sick person out of you or kill you! 2 weeks ago we had a big fight because he didn’t want to answer a question about money and again i’ve asked him a straight forward question where the money came from and he didn’t answer me, he just said from his account. I came from an abusive household but my husband didn’t. Before, we always had a great passionate sex life now it seems like its just a chore for her. Me and my husband have been together for 8years and we’ve been through alot. I encourage you to talk to a counselor. Haven’t left yet because my grown daughters may not understand. The ways to have fun with your spouse are numerous and they don’t have to cost a lot of money. It doesn’t matter what you do together as long as you both have fun doing it! Having fun with your spouse can keep a marriage strong or bring life back to a struggling relationship. When you stop having fun together, things can get stressful. He can be the sweetest thing on earth, but can be the coldest person on earth. In her defence for my presenting the evidence, my “affair” constantly came up. It requires strength and courage, but it’s better than living in frustration and unhappiness. Sometimes I feal a little bad about this since I dont talk much to him and dont tell him a lot, I keep my thoughts to myself and I dont have an opinion. Make sure you weigh the pros and cons regarding your pre marriage situation before jumping on the marriage bandwagon. She is an escort for a call girl service. I will most certainly survive this. I asked for and got a promotion at work. xx. It is obvious that you did not read the articles very well, at least not mine. I usually have to stay behind and work and take care of the kids when she goes there. I did misunderstand. A man will never stray if the woman in his life keeps him interested in the bedroom. It never ends. It makes me very uncomfortable. I could be wrong. We’ve been married 25 years and for the past year, I have only stayed because of the children (ages 12 & 14) i do not want him or anyone else. The physical abuse is still going on. Do you feel that he is dishonest? I don’t think our marriage will still work out and I am no longer hoping it will. We are all the same age and have hung out with each other for more than 25 years. The tricky part is figuring out what needs to be fixed, and ensuring both you and your wife are able and willing to work on your relationship. I need help. But you should not be in a relationship with someone you can’t stand being in public with. He cheated on me many times, over the Internet, and was thinking about meeting random ladies on dating websites for sex. I’m working my ass off in a high level position, traveling often trying to get the family forward. Personally, I dont know the difference. Being that I was now in pain, I screamed for help both times, to which he replied that there was noone to help me. I love our family and I don’t want to break it up. I’ve got a long way to go. Never had sex more than few times in an year,never felt romantic with him.As years passed ,he got busy in his job and I was left to work,raise our daughter and house jobs.He does help me with house jobs and he is a good dad.But never had a husband wife relationship. We started out as friends. We are 5 years married. He says if I would just let it go everything would be ok. Really? My husband has cheated on more than 5 times since we got married3 years. It would seem that all marriages start off well enough, with all good intentions and then fall apart later on. I am mostly lonely even if i am with him. That is, whether you decide to stay or go, it will be difficult. I’d gotten to a point of marital ambivalence and realized I was never going to love him and I’d never have the relationship I wanted with him. Have respect for yourself and what your believes are. She is a person who deflects blame. and fun fact: “domestic science” is the way that women were first allowed into science. The first thing you need to do is build a support network of friends and strong women who can help you. The two of us and our daughter had moved across the world for his temporary job and now I feel used and trapped! I don’t get off work till 8pm an he cooks dinner alot I will admit that. Me an my husband have been married for two years now, we have a wonderful, healthy one year old together. And these affairs are not what brought it down.People often confuse the cause and the pretext. What option seems to make the most sense to you? He would stay out all night, not call, not come home – and when he did,he’d come home and drink – complain about me and our lack of sex…after our first counseling, he gave me a set of keys back…which I rejected, and shouldn’t have, but i am so full of anger and resentment…and still am. Taking actions like these will help you feel empowered, which will help you decide if your marraige is over or if you and your husband need to work at it. He begged me to marry him and it would be better, how dumb. If you can’t get someone to work with you then it’s basically over. We all know that feeling – that grinding sense of discomfort when someone gets on our nerves. I’m sorry to hear about your marriage — you sound frustrated, sad, and stuck. The new car we bought is constantly a disaster (so is our home) and she NEVER attempts to clean it, wax it or even take care of it. He said that he knew talking to her was wrong, and has since stopped. It bothers me when he touches me or hugs me or kisses me. Being visionary often works like magic. March 18, 2014, 1:29 pm. He was wearing a shirt I had bought him. Everything is about what she wants or thinks is right my point of view is worthless or pushed aside and criticized. I have alot to loss in more than one way its a bitter pill that is going down very slowly. His extra money is for numerous toys for him self that will keep him busy tinkering around. That my life is not the kids and him, that I need time for myself. I feel alone. May you find practical, healthy ways to deal with these signs your marriage is over – and may they become a ghost of the past. I have to ask him to help around the house, while he plays his video games usually 5-6 hours a night(this is an every day,every year occurrence) He is depressed, gambled a lot of money away that we don’t have, lost his father, and in my opinion, he feels he lost his mother as well. Our beautiful daughter just graduated last night from high school and is getting ready to go to college. The partnership I envisioned was not the one he wanted. Once the warning signs are present is it too late? I find it quite interesting that a lot of what is written here by this woman is very much anti-male. I know it isn’t fair to ask him to change but I can’t live with the mess and with someone who is comfortable being so messy. Here's why you don't see the actor much anymore. Over the years, several bad things have happened in our relationship, which I believe have enabled me more to feel the way that I currently feel. He likes to go out to dinner, but I find he only wants to go in our geographic area. He says he needs time to get over the affair, but he is didstant from him. He has acutally kept this very open with me. We have a 6 year old son. We had just had a baby boy and now I’m several countries away unable to see my son or mend a marriage. It doesn’t sound like your dilemma is about whether your marriage is over…it’s more about staying strong enough to stick with your decision to leave. I GIVE HIM HIS SPACE I STAY OUT OF HIS WAY WE STILL LIVE TOGETHER BUT I AM SURE THERES AN ALTERNATIVE SOMETHING ON HIS PART I AM MORE THAN WILLING TO WORK ALL THIS OUT HE WANTS NO PART OF IT ITS VERY HURTFUL AND SAD THERES NOTHING I CAN DO I TRIED TO SPEAK BOUT THE MARRIAGE HE STATES WE HAVE NOTHING IN COMMON AND HE WANTS OUT I BELEIVE OUR MARRIAGE WAS A PURE LIE TO ME FOR OVER 20 YEARS. I’ve got 30 years in vested in marriage and I’m leaving this Sunday for a long time… Not sure I’m returning. I can’t live like this. I will like to clear the air by making it very clear that it is only the matured in mind that are supposed to go into marital life. if those divorce laws stipulate a 50/50 split what does it matter what she or he did while married? Not gonna happen. This is just a general thought, though – I can’t tell anyone that their marriage is over! Thanks for sharing such helpful material. I am just so scared of raising two kids on my own because I just feel like I will fail them and it is not their fault that their father doesn’t want to do the right thing and that’s why I am so scared and confuse when it comes to making that final decision. He tells me he doesn’t want sex because I do nothing all day, the house is a dump and it gets on his nerves despite the fact I do everything I can. I just feel like a failure. In other parts of the world, it can make the difference of whether or not they put food on the table. I started checking up on his internet use and found he was checking out a porn site. I gave up my whole life -left my job, family and friends to move to another country to be with my husband. Believe me, I’ve been there and done that. He does say he still loves me and is still in love with me but we don’t communicate at all. Found inside – Page 325By the time my husband invited me to hear him play with a jazz band one evening , I didn't care enough anymore to have any man in my life , divine or ... But, then it will be up to her father to decide what his priorities are. i.e. I found some very hurting conversations he’s been having with women before I arrived and even now he tries to speak to them -most of the conversations are from before and leading to the months I arrived. They find ways and means to make their lives one step better from the past or those who are dear to them. Found insideYou don't realize how much you've had because they keep topping up the glasses. ... We were just having fun. ... You are only my husband, after all. I managed to get into his email and found many messages he had been commnicating with women before I came. Then blames me for having nothing to come home to. Of course it impacts, but sometimes people just turn cold. You talk A LOT about your husband’s negativity — with interestingly ZERO concrete examples. After the first time he said he realized what he wanted and that he knew nothing was worth losing what he had. and i dont think its weird for one person to say to the other -whichever gender- “im fed up, cant stand you anymore, get out”, which is essentially what this LW would be saying. I get very frustrated as it seems that is all he wants is a physical relationship. Sound familiar? I posted here some time ago and Laurie had asked a question Larissa knew about me. In your situation, I think that the most important thing is to secure what you have built up with your career, secure the kids and once you have that protected… I’d file. My husband and I took a nonviolent communication class together, and it really helped us! I just feel like there’s no me time I never get a break. I crave peace and he seems to thrive on friction. I feel that he is depressed. I moved out and we were separated for three months. When I ask him why won’t he stop talking to her he tells me he doesn’t want to hurt her feelings. It worked well enough for us and the drunken arguments stopped. The law catches you and your son has no momma and no poppa. He has become a much better father, but still plays video games for hours on end instead of getting a job while our rent goes unpaid and we live on food stamps. “domestic science” used to be a real thing! To fix your marriage might take a long time and you will probably think of quitting in the middle. It was helping with exercises to calm down, things like that. If you tend to be critical of him, then you’re displaying one of Dr Gottman’s warning signs your marriage is over. Show Your Love And Stay Patient. Love yourself so you can love her. I never, never would have done this to him. SEE what is right about you, beautiful beautiful amazing you. I don’t know if this is what you’re doing, but it is something to be aware of. On a related note, what are your goals as a couple? I have had a tough road with my partner for our own reasons, but I gave up all my wants, all my needs to serve my partner when she needed me most. I’m bored sitting at home, so I play on Facebook, he complains about that. Any ideas? I thought at first that he was kidding. I was happily married up until the 8th year and I dont know what happened. He also turns everything into my fault and now I have very low self esteem. He has and has not had dreams, goals for our future since I met him. Other times, they just keep deteriorating. Your spouse will really appreciate the fact that you take notice of every nice and pleasant thing he or she does. Unfortunately, it did. I found out that he has been talking to a young woman for the last 3 months. Kicking him out of his own house wouldn’t be the right move. .-= Laurie Pawlik-Kienlen´s last blog post …Best Ways to Save Money on Summer Holidays – 7 Travel Tips =-. please tell me, is he just not tring and really does not care about me OR did i just marry the wrong man?! As far as God is concerned, I know he doesn’t want us to be in a relationship where one is not being faithful. One guy because he cheated and can’t stand to think she would even kiss a guy and the other guy jealous cause she won’t OBEY your dresscode? If you have been making your husband appear incompetent and unreasonable by your incessant nagging and complaints or you love to do things without seeking his consent, that's disrespect and that can be a reason he doesn't care about your feelings anymore. Please help me, please. She told me she knew about me, and My husband was fighting with her about leaving me. She forced me to ban my mother from our house, ban my sister from having a relationship with our son, declared my family people non-grata, and gets upset everytime i visit my mom or honor her on mother’s day. NOW THE GIRLFRIEND WANT TO GIVE HIM MONEY TO DIVORCE ME. She is cool with sex once every few months. Yes, but don't just hit the gym, it's boring and soul crushing for most. 3 years ago I started to notice our sex life slipping so I asked him what he thought we should work on. Had been married for about 10 years. I am standing on my front porch, key in hand, and for a split second before I turn it in the lock, I have to wonder. In this article I am going to show you 4 different types of motivations strategies to keep yourself and your spouse committed to repair your broken marriage. My honest answer is I just don’t know. Hes commited infidelity a few times to me (that I have rock solid proof of – there could be more that I dont know about). I have a place to go when/if I leave.I am depressed over this situation and I am afraid of making a terrible mistake. i have been married for 3 years and we just recently seperated and i know its my fault. Its kind of true as I never developed proper cleaning habits but it hurts and I have made sure the place stays clean. As completely freaked out and scared as I was, I immediately began talking to a few close women friends. BTW there is no way he is cheating on me. You give him what he wants. She said to me tonight, she would rather go into town now with the girls, without me. She deserved soo much better. I dont feel I am the only one that has things to work on. I don’t regret the time spent for there were good times. You are in an abused “coma”. I can tell you this is VERY important to many people. It can cut him to the core?? Found inside – Page 148Let's just say that I feel you have humiliated me, and I don't want you to come anymore. I can't tell you how my husband would react if he were to learn of ... Guys are also very visual, you might not be sexually exciting for him anymore. Moreover, I felt that we were connected and that we would be happy together. He finally admitted that there was something wrong and he didnt understand it. NEVER! After we talked about it we said we would try to make it work. Thank you for sharing your story – it sounds like you and your husband have been through so much in the 50 years you’ve known each other! I pratically have to beg him for intimacy. I just don’t know what to do. I happened across this page by accident but I found it pretty interesting whe I read the complaints you have all made about your husbands or long term partners. Now, before you write me off as crazy, read another paragraph or two. we almost lost our home because he couldn’t go look for a job because of his depression. Never stands up for me or supports me in any way. Is there anything you can do to save it? I'm just not naturally someone who makes fun my top priority. True love doesn’t hurt , it makes you feel and want to be a better person. I’m hurt and I’m scared to be along. My marriage is also struggling and I’m truly considering divorce, which I never thought would happen because I love my husband with all my heart. We have not been intimate in almost 3 years. I realise that I have to leave him. it’s become abusive – not in the physical sense – but emotional and mental. He lies all the time and plays video games all day and tonight if doesnt have to work. I’ve married to my husband for 1 1/2 years and together for 5. He was removed from our house on base the first night and we were only allowed to see each other with military 1st SGT present. I thought I would be more secure with him once we got married, and then we had a baby and I started to feel even more like things were going right … until that familiar feeling that something was wrong returned … followed by a new secret password on his computer and a constantly locked shed. If you ever decide to get married, you’ll see why it’s not so easy to “just LEAVE.”. Also, the idea that my girls will have another “father” simply devastates me. He was hoping I’d suggest that, I think he even leaned the conversation that way … just as I suspected from the moment he left, there was another woman waiting out there for him – he moved straight in with her and pretended he was staying with a male business client he had befriended. But lately, I have had an issue with it and when I try to talk to him about it, he tells me (now mind you very calmly and never upset with me about it) that he never ever as any intention of acting upon it, it’s just nice to feel like someone is flirting with you. Don’t let a relationship article take away all your hope for a happy, healthy marriage! For some people the way to keep motivated in tough situation is to picture a dream and to work towards it. Even if you don’t go together as husband and wife, it might be helpful to go yourself. You’ll need to grieve the end of your marriage — and the end of that chapter of life for you and your kids. Most of the people on here did not choose for their relationships to end? Once you both gain some insight into your own persoanlities and choices, then you can focus on whether it’s time to end the relationship or save your marriage. It’s an embarrassement. She tells me that is the way she communicates love so apparently it’s my fault. Plus Sleep Tips, How to Quit Something (or Someone) You Love, 16 Gift Ideas for People Who Are Confined Indoors (Shut-Ins), Broken Hearted? I actually think he likes the traveling part because he gets to see different parts of the United States and perhaps other parts of the world, in the near future. I’ve been with my husband for 16 years. As time went on, before we got married….I realized something was different. We’ve been married 8 years. LW, go on a 10 day cruise with your granddaughter WITHOUT your husband. Love is a funny thing, and some people have what it takes to be life long partners and there are a lot of benefits to that for themselves AND their children – and then there are people who just aren’t good together period. It’s not about how you feel or he feels or she feels, it’s about how can you get along together for the kids sake. I knew there was no way he could be present in any kind of relationship with me if he was falling in love with someone else! i was beaten black and blue my eyes were beaten shut! Family was a big part of the problem. How do you respond to a husband who speaks to you with contempt? Tell me why you think you can’t leave him, and why you feel so helpless and hopeless. I am boxed in, and guilted into thinking i have no right to feel sadness or pain…. I just got out of a job, that has supported us for nearly 8 years, and have had a two month slump in work. Maybe the prospect of divorce is what your husband needs, to snap him out of his slump! I have asked my husband how best we can end it (without affecting teh kids too much) and he has ingorned my requests. i had a love marriage, i went against my parents and my husband went against his parents. And he is very insulting to me in many ways. This has been an ongoing argument/disagreement for too many years to count. I want to talk to him but feel like I am beating a dead horse (for lack of a better term). iwannatalktosampson I found out secretly that she has been talking to an ex on facebook since we split up and telling him that she doesnt want it to work and if hes coming home on august. I am hopeless. Look for what is RIGHT about where you are. o her after she has been let We have no hobbies we do together. I have been with my husband for 9 years and married the last two of those 9. Not because of anything he’s done, but more out of insecurities. My wife is crazy, won’t take her meds. I strongly urge you to read everything on the next page before it's too late and time runs out- Click Here. Picking at petty likes and dislikes in a partner is silly and frankly your looking for reasons to be unhappy. I dated my wife for two years, prior to marriage. I’m at a crossroads and I don’t know what to do! For the past 3 years I’d say our relationship has been a rollercoaster; we get a long great, we communicate, spend time together then something snaps; either because I didn’t do something, or did it wrong or did something I did but wasn’t suppose to do. I am worried that illl fall into his charms. Pray for him daily but leave him alone and let God. So he says he can’t go. She was the reason for the passwords, etc. You can make your spouse fall back in love with you, all over again. i have always tried hard to make my mom proud of me-well to no avail & i’m 34 now! But now it’s 1 1/2 years later and his words curse my life because I gave up! We have not had sex in almost eight months. I don’t know how I can make it on my own yet financially if I leave with our little one. I soon found out that she had quickly shacked up with another guy and got pregnant by him with a little girl while we were still married. I became curious about how he was coping without Sex, I knew he must be taking care of himself but I couldn’t help but wonder what else he was doing. She thinks I don’t trust her and she loves to dance and have fun. This is where acceptance comes in. I’m fed up with women blaming everything on the man in their lives for things that they do. I have really struggled to rebuild my career but being in a public position has been very strenuous. But he won't let anything I do or say make him happier. My husband the night we got married said he was hungry left to go up to the hotel cafeteria to get get something to eat and was going to bring it back to the room. Bottom line is that we are all made to be single thinking human beings in the first place. For the last 3 weeks we haven’t even been living together. Obviously I have times when I'm not my best, but I rarely take it out on others and when I'm fed up, he can reach me and cheer me up. Others can mention their ethnicity and their mother I only worked as hard as he thought we should on. Gambled but has been for 16 years all brought up, crying and asking why felt... He demeans me.. life is such a relationship for three years later, after all, said! Turn every conversation read it out until he ’ s here or not... and ’. Him its like he stopped needing to make a pretty decent living get.... Believes are life -left my job ; I have caught him in many cases and underrate the of... Any kind done begging and Restore your Magnetism have thought anything of it yesterday! The ability to have fun at his dads house needs have never been on fertility drugs for years! 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