Mercy suspends judgment. Luke 1:57, Exodus. Esther 7:9, I receive the meek mind of Christ to handle high office with humility in the name of Jesus. Thank God for making you a blessing to others. Oh Lord we confess and repent of sins of the church which we have sinned against thee, please have mercy on your church. 9:5, Father; to you belongs mercy and forgiveness, though we have sinned, rebelled, committed iniquities and transgressed against thee, look unto us through the blood of Jesus and show us mercy. Found insideNEW MONTH PRAYERS WITH THE GENERAL OVERSEER FOR THE MONTH OF FEBRUARY Vigil (12-1 30am) Confession: Ps. 91; Ps 68:1-2 Praise Worship PRAYER POINTS 1. Preamble: There is a cry that God always attends to – a cry for mercy. Father we thank you for making all the fruits of our evangelism outreaches and programs to abide and remain on your side. Ps. Reach us today for guidance [email protected]. Isaiah 49:25, All the dark works done against my life in the secret be exposed, be disgraced and destroyed in the name of Jesus. 9:32-36. Father, you are our high priest of mercy, please be merciful and overturn every weakness to strength in Jesus name. I shall be satisfied continually and enjoy all round settlement. Psalm 55:19, Father, please shoot the arrows of premature death into the camp of unrepentant kidnappers and ritualist in Jesus name. DAY 15 (36 of 63) 15TH FEBRUARY, 2021TOPIC: PRAYER OF MERCY FOR PEOPLE TO TURN BACK TO THE LORDBIBLE TEXT(S): Ezek. 1John.1:9, Father, by the power in your word, I command every mountain of delayed conception in my life and family to be rolled away and levelled in Jesus name. Father, I recognize that the race is not for the swift, it is your mercy that can make the difference, please have mercy on me in Jesus name. The Almighty God is full of compassion and kindness for His beloved children. Father, we thank you for the impossible that you have made possible in your church in Jesus Name. Psa 34:1-3. Hebrews 2:15, Father in the name of Jesus, uproot the spirit of limitation in my life. Proverbs 3:35, By the mercy of the Lord, make our business, career and pursuit be like the tree planted by the rivers of water that bring forth his fruit in his season in Jesus name. Kidnapping is done for the purpose of extortion, ritual or other devilish reasons. It referred to one’s property or effects. Father we thank you for making your son, Pastor E.A. Gen 4:10, Father by your mercy restore righteousness and holy living in our land Joel 2:25, Father by your mercy strengthen and lead the people of our land to be redeemed to the glory of your name. Dan. Because of the love of God for the world He sent His only begotten son to die for and save us all. Job 22:28, Father, we thank You for the goodness and mercies we enjoyed on daily basis. My soul shall make her boast in the LORD: the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad. Exodus 15: 13, Father, please forgive me of my sins and let your mercy eliminate any kind of deadly disease that is ravaging my body (if there is any) in the name of Jesus. Heal all my sicknesses and infirmities n Jesus name. Lam. PREAMBLE: 42-Days had gone out of 63 with great testimonies in their hundreds across the globe and we are still counting. It is more blessed to give than to receive. Hebrew 8:12, Father, by the power in the blood of Jesus, I pull down every stronghold of Satan over my life and family in Jesus name. Isaiah 41:13, Father, put an end to every agenda of man to manipulate your purpose for my life in Jesus name. Sing songs of worship in any known language or dialect to acknowledge His power and sovereignty. The Topic of Goodnews Daily for 30th June 2021 Is “Blessed Are Those That Give” TODAY’S SCRIPTURE: Acts 20:35. Psa. Numbers 23:23, Lord God by your mercy every condemnation of the enemy in my life be nullified in the name of Jesus. Freely we have received. After all, God is omniscient and eternal. Matthew 3:10. Father, the grace to live holy, please let it be released to me and my family. Found insideJoin Anne in a thrilling discovery of prayer that really works. For extended study into The Daniel Prayer message, Anne has also created The Daniel Prayer video study and study guide. Available now. Father I received the mercy of God to overcome any form of trial and temptation program against my life in Jesus name. 7. Mark 5, By your mercy oh lord, I dismantle every demonic erection against my marriage in the name of Jesus. INTRODUCTION:Limitation is a restriction caused by some forces that oftentimes, cannot be seen or explained. Father, we thank you for the stripe of Jesus that heals our body in Jesus Name. Father we thank you for divine direction and guidance through your prophecies to us every year. Father, let the covenant of your mercy terminate every root cause of cancer and all other terminal diseases amongst us in Jesus name. Powerful Atomic Prayer - Miracles will start to happen if we pray regularly with faith in … Isaiah 28:18, Father by your mercy, let our land find grace in your sight and magnify your mercy by saving life from all forms of evil. DAY 17 – 27th JANUARY 2021THANKSGIVING FOR FULFILMENT OF PROPHECIES IN RCCGBIBLE TEXT: Mic 2:6, Joe 2:28INTRODUCTIONRCCG is a church that believed in prophecies and has been benefiting from it. Isa 48:17, Father we thank you for disgracing and silencing the enemy of prosperity in, Father we thank you for all the ministerial helpers you have raise for your son, Pastor EA. Father by your mercy let the blood of Jesus frustrate and destroy every blood-sucking altars in operation in my (put the name of your country here). Limitation is a state of being limited. Isaiah 54:17, Father, you are our shepherd, our provider, I come against any manipulative power creating lack in my family in Jesus Name. Found insideI decree and declare that wasters shall not waste my life, emptiers shall not ... 18 Confessions: Psa 2:1-12 Aggressive Praise Worship Prayer Points 239. This year prophesies at all levels are wrapped in a condition of submission to the will of God and His mercy. The Lord shows mercy unto thousands of them that love him and obeys his commandments. Prov. Hebrews 4:14-16. 1 John 4:8, 18. Matthew 16:18, Thank you, Lord, for given the Church the keys of David, that whenever we. Philippians 4:6-7, Father, please hold my hands and lead me in the way to follow this season in Jesus name. Genesis 12:2, Father by your mercy, multiply my seed, home and family as the stars of the heaven, and as sand which is upon the sea shore, and my seed shall possess the gates of their enemies in Jesus name. 33:11, Ezek. Father, let your children who are the saints begin to have experience and be, Father, let me continually dwell in Your secret place in order to enjoy the shadow of the Almighty. Found inside – Page iiDIVDIVBeat the devil at his own game and wage warfare with confidence!/div/div To maintain the past victories and to get new ones, we need to thank the mighty one of Israel that has been fighting the battles and wars on our behalf. Father, you are rich in mercy, please lavish your mercy on everyone suffering from cancer to experience quick recovery in Jesus name. Father; forgive us where we have discriminated against the poor, the disabled and those not from our tribe, other religions in Church, in work place and in our communities. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Dear Holy Spirit, thank You for all the testimonies on this platform, please continue to inspire the intercessory team for more prophetic declarations on this platform, in Jesus’ name. Oh when the saints are marching in. Father, we thank you for your intervention that drove back insurgency in my nation in Jesus Name. They need God’s guidance so we will not be led into error. Oh lord by your mercy, silence every satanic voice speaking against me to destroy my life in the name of Jesus. Father, have mercy over your church for failures to walk in the agape love. This is what the Holy Spirit has done by directing our Father in- the- Lord; Daddy G.O asking us to spend the first forty two (42) days in acquainting ourselves with God in such a manner that our prayers can receive speedy answers in this third segment of 21- days of declarations, decrees and making of demands as commanded in Psalm 2:8, Isaiah 45:11 We should be mindful to pray for the Church and the peace of our Nations daily. Ephesians 6:12. Let us wholeheartedly pray for our father in the Lord Pastor E.A Adeboye and his family as he holds the Church mantle of leadership for God’s help, protection and blessings. John 14:27.The peace that last only comes from God and we need to appreciate him for His peace we are enjoying in all our nations, lands, homes, families, churches, e.t.c. Jeremiah 16:16, By your mercy oh lord, destroy every garment of reproach in my life in the name of Jesus. Father we ask for forgiveness for all our sins, please forgive and heal us of all diseases in Jesus Name Isa. Thank God for the uncommon blessings you have been enjoying in the name of our Lord Jesus. Father; We thank You that for being merciful unto us and our leaders in any area that we have fallen short of Your glory Proverbs 28:13. Father, we thank you for keeping sickness away from our children in Jesus Name. PERSONAL DAILY CONFESSION: I confess today, I am a carrier of God’s glory always and my life shines around His light daily in Jesus’ name, Amen READ >> OPEN HEAVENS 3 JULY 2021 DAILY DECLARATIONS. Father, I handover every battles of my life to you in Jesus name. DAILY DECLARATIONS 2 JULY 2021 God bless You! Father, we thank you for whipping away Every handwritten of ordinances that was against your children in RCCG in Jesus name. Father, destroy the wide network of kidnappers and ritualists in Nigeria in Jesus name. Year 2021 will be the best of the years for me and my family. 9:4, Father; we have sinned and have committed iniquity and have done wickedly departing from thy precepts and from thy judgement, please show us mercy Lord. Jn. Psalms 86:15. Father, keep me and my house in perfect peace even in the mist of the COVID 19 pandemic in Jesus name. Father, we thank you for restoring the economy of my nation in Jesus name. He buttressed this point when He said in Psa. Father, we thank you because your power has delivered us from the bondage of the evil ounces. Father, we thank you for your power that gave us victory over our enemies in Jesus Name. In her authoritative, declarative style, Cindy Trimm helps you achieve victory over your circumstances through spoken declarations that activate God’s power. Father; have mercy upon us for the sins of marital unfaithfulness in the forms of husband/wife snatching, divorce and all forms of dishonesty. 1 Peter. 7:13-14, PS. RCCG FASTING AND PRAYER POINTS 22ND FEBRUARY 2021DAY 1 (43 of 63) – 22ND FEBRUARY, 2021TOPIC: DIVINE PROTECTIONBIBLE TEXT(S): Psa 91:1-16, 121, INTRODUCTION:We are in a time when all human security devices have failed. Father we thank you for making RCCG a church of prophecies fulfilment. Father we thank you for bringing the peace to all the warring and trouble sections in our nations, Father we thank you for not allowing the desire of the enemy against the peace of our Nation from coming past, Father we thank you for accepting our sacrifice of praise and worship to you in our nation, Father we thank you for making the church an agent of peace in our nation. Psalm 105:15, Father; by your mercy Heaven at last for every true member of your church in Jesus name. Father; have mercy upon us for the sins of judging others wrongly in Jesus name. Father we thank you for raising rugged and sold to Christ evangelical ministers in RCCG. Use this prayer or prayer points daily, or as often as possible, to pray your way through difficult situations, learn how to pray dangerous prayers with power. Father, we thank you for diverse healings in all our past crusades in Jesus Name. Isaiah 54:17, Father, I break them into pieces, every oppressor of joy and peace in my marriage in Jesus name Psalm 72:4, Father, destroy every spirit of vengeance causing problems that will not allow us in forgiving one another in our marriage Matthew 6:14-15, Father, by the blood of Jesus, I destroy every curse of delay in getting married and having conception in my family and in our church in Jesus Name. Reach us today for guidance [email protected]. Deuteronomy 31:6-8, Father, I believe in you and in your saving, grace poured out on me therefore I have escaped every form of trouble in Jesus name. Father, continue to turn the wisdom of men to foolishness as long as they refuse to acknowledge You as God in their life and nation. Father, we thank you for your intervention that prevented civil war in my nation in Jesus name. I will come into thy house in the multitude of thy mercy: and in thy fear will I worship toward thy holy temple.Psalm 5:7. Daddy, we thank you for given us mouth and word that our adversaries cannot gain say or resist in Jesus Name. Father, thank you for restoring social values into our youth in Jesus Name. Shield them from the discouraging arrows of kidnappers, famine and every forms of lawlessness in the land. It is never the will of God for any of His children to be sick, 3 John 1:2, it is sin that brought sickness into the world, we need to repent of sins and turn to God in our prayers of faith to get out of the wilderness of sickness and diseases. Yes indeed this was a wonderful and bless prayer. Father thank you for your peace in my home and life like no man can give. Psalms 23:6, Thank and praise the Almighty God who has not allowed the evils of our. Father; have mercy upon us for the sins of witchcraft in Church through manipulative and domineering spirits of jezebel in Jesus name. Psalm 75:6, Lord, I am tired of my present level please move me up to a new level in Jesus name. Matthew 16:18. Psalm 51:10. Psalm 31:2, Oh Lord my God, let your mercy avenge me of my adversaries in the name of Jesus. They are the blessings of the Lord without any sorrow. Let us confess the sins of our nation that have brought us reproaches. It means to be incapable of producing offspring, seed or fruit. Psalms 91:16, Father, let your son fulfill all his assignments in his life time, in Jesus name. Father, I thank you for your intervention in the economy of my nation in Jesus Name. Father we confess and repent of all our sins of disobedience, unfaithfulness, stubbornness against you and against higher authorities in Jesus Name. The earth will cooperate with our destiny this year in Jesus name. By impetratory prayer we beg God for benefits. Romans 12:2, Father you are the portal of our lives, remould us to your desire and your will in Jesus name. Colossians 2:14, 2 Corinthians 10:5, I pull down all strong holds erected against my miracles, family and nation, in the name of Jesus. 11.Father; have mercy upon us for the sins of witchcraft in Church through worldliness, fashion, movie in Jesus name. 9:16, Oh Lord behold the desolations and ruins in our land, hear O Lord, forgive; hearken and do; defer not for thine own sake to save (put the name of your country here, e.g. God is moved to respond. Job 22:28. The best way to get more of his blessing this year is to thank him more. Psa 33:12, Oh Lord, we thank you for your protection over them Isa.41:10, Lord, thank you because you are fighting every battle of their lives. Brethren all us raise our voice in worship, praise and thanksgiving for edifying prophecies from RCCG to all and sundry globally. Psalm 25:10. 2Corinthians 10:4, Jer 18:7, Father we thank you for your mercy that is always renewed in your church every morning. Psalms 102:13, Oh Lord arise and have mercy on me, that my enemy will not rejoice over me when l fall, and be a light unto me in darkness. We care about our users, and we want to see the hand of God rest upon them as the pray. WAR AGAINST HAMAN - 13By Bishop (Dr) Chris KwakpovweWAR AGAINST HAMAN -13 is the PRAYER BULLETS FOR WINNERS(A PRAYER AND FASTING PROGRAM FOR BREAKING STUBBORN YOKES AND MOULDING DESTINIES)21 OR 14 DAY PRAYER AND FASTING PROGRAMMES for ... Genesis 19:19, Father by your mercy, we plead the blood of Jesus on our land to arrest every work of blood waster and enthrone peace like a river. Father; have mercy upon us for the sins of poor church resources management. Psalm 118:17, The Lord will fulfill all his promises concerning my life, family and my nation this year in Jesus name, I shall be a testimony and the Bible for others to read and give glorify to God, By the hand of God, the whole world will surrender to the Lordship of the Most High for healings to come and peace to reign in nations. Galatians 3:13. Mark 8:36, Eccl. In fact, he started the year with a pronouncement of blessing “God Bless You”. Exodus 15:13, Father, don’t allow any of their words fall to the ground in Jesus name, 1 Sam 3:19. Let take time to sing and thank God for all the fulfilment of past, Individual, Global, National and Church prophecies. The one that has lifted us in His hands above all situations. 2 Peter 5:2-3, 14.Father we are grateful for your kindness, not shutting at us the door of mercy, 15.Let us ask for mercy for displeasing God over our failures to walk in the agape love among brethren and to our neighbours, in Jesus name. By propitiatory prayer we beg Him for mercy and forgiveness. AND FAMILYBIBLE TEXT(S): 1 TIMOTHY 2:1-3. 33:6. God wants to give you a purpose. Then end by giving God thanksgiving and praises for answered prayers. Father we thank you for wining strong and fearful men of communities to your side during our evangelism outreaches. Throughout the ages people have wondered whether it makes any sense to pray to God at all. But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Israel. Father, we thank you for restoration of peace into my nation in Jesus name. We praise you for you are a merciful God in the name of Jesus. As a covenant Church we have the responsibility to perfect holiness in the fear of the Lord. DAY 2 – 12th JANUARY 2021QUALITY AND INTENSIVE WORSHIPBIBLE TEXT: Exodus 15:1-21, 2Ki 17:36, 1Ch 16:29INTRODUCTION: We worship God for who He is. Amen READ >> OPEN HEAVENS 2 JULY 2021 DAILY DECLARATIONS. Whatsoever has been done against me using the element of creation be neutralized by the blood of Jesus, in the name of Jesus. So with this book in your hands, begin to declare and release the power for the miraculous in your life. This book will be a powerful tool in all Christian homes and for all believers, leaders and pastors. Isaiah 8:8-10. The affliction of last year will not rise again in my life this year in Jesus name. Lamentation 3:22. Father we thank you because you made the RCCG a church to all nations. Father I thank you for your mercy that made our women to deliver safely in our families in the past years in Jesus name. Father, deal with every Pharaoh and Herod that have refused evangelism, send them on a journey of no return. RCCG FASTING AND PRAYER POINTS 11TH MARCH 2021DAY 18 (60 OF 63) – 11TH MARCH, 2021TOPIC: FULFILLMENT PROPHECIES FOR 2021BIBLE TEXT(S): DAN 2:20-21, 4:25, 1 COR 1:19-20. Psalm 92:12, By the mercy of the Lord, father deliver us from every foolish promotion of shame, and give us wisdom to inherit glory in our business, career and pursuit. 2. You've heard the holy call to prophetic ministry. Now what? In this book, leading prophetic voice Jennifer LeClaire guides readers along the journey of a prophet-- from the initial call all the way through to maturity. 4, PRO 21:31. 103, Father; You are worthy of our praise. DAILY DECLARATIONS 2 JULY 2021 God bless You! Job 5:12, Father; Let all enemies that rises up against us meet with darkness in the day time and grope in the noon day as in the night, in Jesus name. Use this prayer or prayer points daily, or as often as possible, to pray your way through difficult situations, learn how to pray dangerous prayers with power. INTRODUCTION:Fear and worries are tools in the hand of the devil to becloud the mind from seeing the awesomeness of God’s power that is able to save and deliver in all situation. INTRODUCTION: Prophetic prayers are prayers of affirmation of faith rooted in the infallible word of God. By the mercy of the Lord, father make our business, career and pursuit flourish like the palm tree, and grow better than the cedar in Lebanon in Jesus name. Found insideBrethren, pray the following prayer points, and make God your refuge. ... O Lord, you are the ancient warrior, man of war, declare my enemies dead, ... Psalm 112:6. The Title-Deed to Answered Prayer – “FAITH is the substance of things hoped for” (Heb. Eccl. When You Don't Know What to Pray. . . Turn to Prayers for Difficult Times, an inspiring yet practical guidebook offering powerful prayer starters for more than 50 tough life topics. Psa 100:1PRAYER POINTS, DAY 4 – 14th JANUARY 2021THANKSGIVING FOR PROVISIONS AND PROTECTIONSBIBLE TEXT: Psa 34:1, 124INTRODUCTION: The thoughtful will be thankful, for It is of the Lord’s mercyPRAYER POINTS, DAY 5 – 15th JANUARY 2021THANKSGIVING FOR DADDY AND MUMMY GOBIBLE TEXT: 1 Thes 3:1, 5:25, Heb 13:18INTRODUCTION: We are encouraged to always pray for our leaders that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified.PRAYER POINTS, DAY 6 – 16th JANUARY 2021THANKSGIVING FOR MINISTERS; GOVERNING COUNCIL MEMBERS, AGOs, ELDERS AND ALL PASTORS,BIBLE TEXT: Psa 31:19: 2 Thes 3:1, Heb 13:18INTRODUCTION: We are encouraged to always pray for our leaders that the word of the Lord may have free course and be glorified. According to the Scriptures the decree is issued "in the month Nisan, in the twentieth year of Artaxerxes the king" (Nehemiah 2:1). 136:10-12, vs. 25, Neh. God’s mercy will be upon us as we cry unto Him in the next 21 days in Jesus Name, Amen. Deuteronomy 28:12, Father Lord, I thank you for the power you have given me to cancel every evil pronouncement. John 14:1, Father, I rejoice in you because you are my Father and I will not be afraid of any evil in Jesus name. Father, we thank you for your intervention that prevented protests from turning to war in many countries last year in Jesus Name. Father, I thank you for your intervention that terminate loneliness in the lives of our marriageable youths in Jesus name. Father; we thank you for the relative peace that the nations of the world are enjoying now in Jesus name. INTRODUCTION:Salvation is the first work of grace. Father, have mercy on me and forgive me all my sins of disobedience and, Father, please restore unto me the joy of my salvation in Jesus name. Father thank you for making way out financially for your Church and my family. Ephesians 1;19, Father, I thank you for not allowing the weapons of warfare of the enemy fashioned against me and my family to prosper in Jesus name. Father, let your mercy and compassion grant me success wherever I am bound to fail in Jesus name. Psalm 23:1, Let us thank God Almighty, because He alone is our redeemer, who is mighty and able to plead our cause Proverbs 23:11, Father, We decree peace in our nation (replace nation with the name of your country), lay your divine ambushment against every kidnapper, ritualists and cultists in Jesus name 2 Chronicles 20:22, Jos 8:7. James 1:25, Father by your mercy, help us to always have sober reflections in our lives, being mindful of how we appear before the mirror of your word. We need to rise and thank God for showing us his plan and desires through prophecies. 33:24, Father by your mercy hear our cries and heal all who are sick in our Nations in Jesus Name. Father; we thank you for your beloved ministers; we thank you for your call upon their life in Jesus name. Father, we thank you for your intervention that we will continue to enjoy in this new year in Jesus Name. Father I thank you for all victories over household and familiar enemies. Jonah 1:1-3. RCCG FASTING AND PRAYER POINTS 9TH MARCH 2021Day 16 (58 of 63) – 6TH MARCH, 2021TOPIC: DIVINE PROMOTIONBIBLE TEXT: Psalm 75:6-7. By your mercy oh Lord scatters every conspiracy of the conspirators against my life and business in the name of Jesus. DAY 18 – 28th JANUARY 2021THANKSGIVING FOR FINANCIAL BREAKTHROUGHS IN RCCGBIBLE TEXT: Deu 8:18, Psa 112:3, Pro 10:22INTRODUCTIONBeloved its God wish that you and I prospered and he has been doing this in our homes, lives and churches, so its high time we thanked him for all the financial breakthroughs the good Lord has done in our time. Powerful Atomic Prayer - Miracles will start to happen if we pray regularly with faith in … Numbers 14:19, 1 Chronicles 17:13, Father in your mercy, terminate every stigma in my life in Jesus name. Father thank you for proofing to the church and my family that only you has the power to make wealth. 2Chronicles 30:9, Father by your mercy arrest the people responsible for bloodshed in our land and reveal yourself to them as the consuming fire. Father, have mercy upon me for acts of disobedience to traffic regulations on the highways, and other governmental rules and regulations. Jer. There is no better way to be acquainted with God other than in the place of Praises, thanksgiving, worship in true repentance at the throne of grace where mercy abounds. Thank God for His provision for the RCCG mission. Welcome to the month of August 2021 Beloved, thank you for choosing to spend time with OUR FATHER here. Thank God for the lives of all our leaders in RCCG at all levels in all Nations. Father, in your compassionate love, let your word be established in the heart of all health workers all over the globe in Jesus name. 3:22. Ephesians 6:12, Father, I pull down every stronghold of the devil against my life and family in, Father, I cast down every imagination and every high thing that want to exalt itself against the knowledge of Christ in my life and family in Jesus name 2 Corinthians 10:5, Father, every enchantment and divination against my life, let it be brought to nought in Jesus name. Adeboye a prophet to many nations. Oh Lord, you enabled Esther, Joseph, Levi to fulfil their destinies, please help me to fulfil my destiny in Jesus name. 12.Father; have mercy upon us for the sins of bearing false witnesses, false accusation, setting traps and pulling others down, in Jesus name. Isaiah 30:18, Father, thank you because your mercy is released for our healthy living in Jesus name. Amen. Father; I thank You for renewing Your mercies every morning over my life, in Jesus name. I really enjoy this prayer points in request of a partner Hebrews 10:22. 2 Corinthians 10:4, Every foundational yoke keeping me in the firm grip of my enemies be destroyed now in Jesus name. Ecclesiastes 9:10, Father send down the rain of mercy in my home and family that it shall be well with us and we shall eat the fruit of our doings in Jesus name. All my losses of the past years shall be restored unto me in hundred-fold this year in Jesus name. Found insideBreak Off Wrong Relationships Prayer Isaiah 41:10 “Therefore confess your sins to ... I decree and declare that I am free, and those agreements are null and ... Matthew 15:13, Father by your power, let the rod of Aaron appear and swallow any gate in the air, water, and land crying against families. Father, in your mercy, let there be breakthrough in Medicare for all health workers in Jesus name. RCCG FASTING AND PRAYER POINTS 12TH MARCH 2021 DAY 19 (61 OF 63) – 12TH MARCH, 2021 TOIC: PROPHETIC PRAYERS BIBLE TEXT: GEN 9:1-2. In this year 2021, nothing will stop me from rejoicing in the name of Jesus. DAY 9 (30 OF 63) 9TH FEBRUARY 2021TOPIC: PRAYER OF MERCY FOR RCCG: PERSONAL AND CHURCH CLEANSING.BIBLE TEXT(S): PROVERBS 16:6, DAY 8 (29 of 63) 8TH FEBRUARY 2021Topic: PRAYER FOR MERCY OVER THE SHEDDING OF THE BLOOD OF THE INNOCENT IN OUR LANDBIBLE TEXT(S): Genesis 4:10, Hebrews 12:24, Hebrews 9:22. Amen. God bless you. God Almighty shall enlarge my border for a glorious breakthrough. Throughout the ages people have wondered whether it makes any sense to pray to God at all. Deuteronomy 28:13, Father by the mercy of the Lord, whatever business endeavour l am involved in, it will be successful. We thank you for choosing him, anointing him and making him a blessing to this generation, in Jesus name. Jeremiah 31:29, Father; let there be restoration of every virtue, blessings, I had lost before I gave my life to you in Jesus name. I shall not die, but live to declare the goodness of the Lord in the land of the, Every moment of this year will be for me and my family moments of. DAY 3 – 13th JANUARY 2021WORSHIP AND PRAISES WITH THANKSGIVINGBIBLE TEXT: Exodus 15:1-21, 2Ki 17:36, 1Ch 16:29INTRODUCTION: We praise God for His mighty works. 1 Samuel 2:35, Father, we thank you for using him for the expansion of RCCG and spreading of the gospel to over 180 countries across the globe, in Jesus name.

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