17 Your eyes won't get much worse. Found inside – Page 233... there are some advantages in growing looking at you with that cap on your old and toothless . When you are harm- head , your loose black coat , your gold less you can hear all the old jokes on on your watch chain , and your yourself ... haha. "To keep the heart unwrinkled — to be hopeful, kindly, cheerful, reverent — that is to triumph over old age.". In 2008, J.K. Rowling delivered a deeply affecting commencement speech at Harvard University. Now published for the first time in book form, VERY GOOD LIVES presents J.K. Rowling's words of wisdom for anyone at a turning point in life. The very best thing about this is....if we can laugh at it all and accept the inevitable with grace.....the truth is we're Young-at-heart. This is OUR Time! Long ago when men cursed and beat the ground with sticks, it was called witchcraft. (I'd list them if I could be bothered.). But God has given me an enormous compensation: my mind is richer my Soul is broader and my wisdom is at a peak. "Men do not quit playing because they grow old—they grow old because they quit playing." - Oliver Wendell Holmes. Joke #4765. I call Florida "God's waiting room"! You can live without sex, but not without your glasses. Interesting. 1. Your wild oats have turned into bran flakes. This group is sometimes called the “slow-go years.” People in this group have become less active. Office jokes and a 'joke of the day' culture are a great way to experience the benefits of humor at work. I grew a beard thinking it would say "Distinguished Gentleman." Instead, turns out it says, "Senior Discount, Please!" One liner tags: age, attitude. Thanks! Catherine Giordano (author) from Orlando Florida on March 20, 2015: tobusiness: If we are lucky, we get old--some sooner than others. LOL! lbrummer: Your comment was so great. Thanks for letting me know that you fund these one-liners type jokes hilarious. Do not be racist; be like Mario. However, there are some benefits - free bus passes and other discounts and definitely retirement. Basically coconut oil, when utilized as a part of the correct ways - can be extremely advantageous to one's wellbeing Tap the "purchase button" and get your duplicate of this book today, so you can begin the street back to great wellbeing ... Found inside – Page 228How to Get It, Keep It, and Sell More Than Ever J. Oliver Crom, ... Susan Harkey, national account executive for Old Dominion Freight Lines in High Point, ... Demographers often divide the older population into three stages. 1. My Grandma mentioned there was a lot of dramatic sighing in these conversations. Photo: Shutterstock. A hilarious compilation of drawings, witty reflections, and zany observations shares the joys of turning forty, covering such useful topics as "Inside the 40-Year-Old Male Brain" and "What Passes for Thrills at 40. In the stretches below, we combine the two aforementioned styles of stretching. Found inside – Page 33Get the Jokes You've Been Missing D. M. Schwab, Greene ... the Nag, My Old Lady, Warthog from Hell Advantages: Pays attention to you Disadvantages: ... Now I'm into prunes and All Bran. It's okay to poke fun at yourself because life is short and shouldn't be taken so seriously all the time. "After 40+ TIME STANDS STILL. 16. Seventy selections of regional humor, many in dialect, taken from magazines and newspapers of the 1835-1860 period. Funny birthday jokes make getting older more fun! 3. The population of almost every country in the world is aging. The book contains theoretical and review material from infancy to old age and includes empirical studies of death and dying in both our own and other societies. The book is divided into four parts. If you Google "jokes about aging," you'll see volumes of story jokes, and one-liners like these, under the heading, "Benefits of Being 60": We've heard so much about the horrors of aging, from the sudden onset of aches and pains to having senior moments. Catherine Giordano (author) from Orlando Florida on March 07, 2015: travmaj: Yes this old-age thing just sneaks up on us. The "Butterfield-8" I used as an example was the name of a novel by John O'Hara. Susan Hambidge from Kent, England on March 01, 2015: He he, I love a read that makes me chuckle! 4. You quit trying to hold your stomach in, no matter who walks In The Homework Myth, nationally known educator and parenting expert Alfie Kohn systematically examines the usual defenses of homework--that it promotes higher achievement, "reinforces" learning, and teaches study skills and responsibility. You'll have a live-in spider killer. "When you're seventy, you can't even crap anymore. I'm glad you liked it. If you're able to see the funny side of aging, you already won half the battle? 1. The president is younger than you. Catherine Giordano (author) from Orlando Florida on March 19, 2015: PAINTDRIPS: I used the picture of the tree rings as metaphor for getting older, but I never thought of it the way your family does. Best Old Age Joke. I'm told my dad and his brothers would listen to these girls talk to their boyfriends on the party line because they found it hilarious. Found inside – Page xOn Egotism - Retailers of old Jokes ........ 563. ... Advantages of seeking the Protection of the Supreme Being ... Addisor . 672. On Quacks ... Pearce . 40 Quotes About Old Age. But hey. Hillary for instance was 69. With the following toppings: Snickles, Gooey Bears . I'm not quite the Happy Days generation. People call at 9 p.m. and ask, "Did I wake you?" . Menopause Jokes. There's nothing left to learn the hard way. Eventually you will reach a point when you stop lying about your age and start bragging about it. You'll always feel warm on your birthday because people won't stop toasting you. Did you know FL where you and I both live has the highest percent of people 65+ of all the states. 6. Mary615: What can we do about aging except laugh. Thanks for commenting. You . The Best 58 Memory Jokes. I've memorized the mantra, "60+ is the new 40+".....and I've added a little twist to that. A wonderful source of jokes about getting old: the late Joan Rivers. "You always feel like you have to pee. Great hub! The country with the lowest elderly population is United Arab Emirates. That's why we've created a collection of 15 senior jokes about getting old that are bound to make you scream . Loraine Brummer from Hartington, Nebraska on April 14, 2015: I love your article. You know you are getting old if you look back on the times you partied all night and still got up and went to work the next morning and you wonder how you ever did it. Angles are on the way to you this evening ps. // -->, You're When you get old, your secrets are safe with your friends. At last I've found a reason to celebrate the election of Mr Trump! Found insideThe hazards of growing up before you’re ready are uniquely revealed through words and drawings as Greg records them in his diary. In book one of this debut series, Greg is happy to have Rowley, his sidekick, along for the ride. John Hansen from Gondwana Land on February 27, 2015: Great hub Catherine, and hilarious but true :). I love what you said "After 40 time stands still." 4) People call at 9 PM and ask, "Did I wake you?" I wish I had thought of "recycled teenager." Office humor can come in many different forms — it can be an office joke, prank or funny employee awards event. What's So Funny about Getting Old? Tells of how engaging to the fullest a patient's own capabilities for overcoming illness resulted in a recovery from a crippling and supposedly irreversible disease. It's streaked with silver. In the United States, we have a group known as the baby boomers, people born in the years immediately after World War II from 1946 to 1964. Now, get ready to take your sexagenarian humor game to the next level. I laugh every time I see it again. As far as feeling old, I feel really old when I name a well known movie or person (in my generation) and someone younger than me is completely clueless about it. Now I'm into prunes and All Bran. ", "Best Senior Site ever on the Web! Read below for inspirational and heartwarming quotes about what it truly means to grow older: "The spirit never ages. into the room. I did not recognise many of the one-liners, even though I once wrote a quotation hub on a similar topic - it just goes to show how many elements there are to getting older. I guess I was too serious in my related hub. Annuity Direct: It's is so nice of you to let me know that you found my hub fun. The major plus of short jokes is that they're easy to repeat from off the top of your head, meaning that the 50 gags below are perfect for pulling out the next time you're hanging around with your friends, entertaining your kid . Thank you for this one. But first a few statistics about aging. thanks for the laughs, i will share with the few people i know who are still alive! Getting lucky means you found your car in the parking lot. You made me laugh. And, one of the best advantages of being old. i won't let a little thing like age slow me down! You can find tons of her material on YouTube. 18. Getting Older Quotes. MsDora: Grateful is exactly the right feeling and it is my feeling too. By the time I retire, I'll know what I want to be when I grow up. SUGGESTION. Have you had this feeling when you look at the people you have known for a long time and you notice that they are looking old—how did they get older when I haven’t gotten any older? Voted up. Thanks, FlourshAnyway, for votes and shares. The benefits of getting old…. 17. change what you consume; unfollow or block, and you . Enjoy humor with . There are currently six million people in this age group and is the fastest growing age group. "Almost all my middle-aged . travmaj from australia on March 06, 2015: I have to admit it - I identified with most of this, of course I'm still wondering how ageing happened to me! Catherine Giordano (author) from Orlando Florida on April 30, 2015: Kristen Howe: I'm glad you enjoyed my humorous tidbits on aging. Hard-hitting senior advocacy pieces that get read in high places. It's about a woman, but you can probably relate. Glad you enjoyed it PAITDRIPS. It was not a good idea to be talking to your boyfriends on a party line. You enjoy hearing about other people's operations. Ain't none of us getting any younger. The aging of the population is occurring due to increases in longevity and declining birth rates. He's so old that when he orders a three-minute egg, they ask for the money up front. Your joints are more accurate meteorologists than the National "Sixty is the worst age to be," said the 60-year-old. Your little black book only contains names ending in M.D. You'll always get a Valentine's Day present… and an anniversary present! There are many ways to draw laughter and humor into a Personal Health Plan. Of course, geriatric sex is nothing like the sex of your youth. You’ll love our advantages of getting old jokes. Using humor in the workplace has many benefits. maybe I should do a sequel. Above and beyond the joys of travel and sleeping in, there are many benefits awaiting those who cross the bridge of the great 6-0. 6) Time may be a great healer, but it's a lousy beautician. Scroll down the page to read all our funny 50th birthday jokes, or click on these links to see a particular subset. 3) No one expects you to run -- anywhere. Greensleeves Hubs from Essex, UK on April 18, 2017: Thanks for a funny article Catherine. Lady Lorelei: The population of the entire world and almost every nation has an increasing percentage of old people. The older we get, the fewer things seem worth waiting in line for. Go against the grain, refuse to conform, take the road less traveled instead of the well-beaten path. It is good exercise for the brain and lots of social interaction via comments. Stephanie Henkel from USA on May 25, 2015: I've tried to fight it, but to no avail...I know I'm old because I remember everything on your list! - Thomas Bailey Aldrich. Dora Weithers from The Caribbean on March 01, 2015: When my tech ability is not up to par, I feel old; other than that l feel privileged. is a books editor and a former Minneapolis Star Tribune feature writer. "I've seen it all, done it all, heard it all. © 2021 Maven Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. They'll never share them because they can't remember them. A+ A-. They discussed where to eat and finally agreed on McDonald's next to the Sea Side Restaurant because they only had $6.50 between them and Bobby Bruce, the cute boy in science class, lived on that street. Source: The World Bank (Population Aged 65 and Above by Country, Source. Mel Carriere from Snowbound and down in Northern Colorado on March 02, 2015: I remembered all those things except the word prefix on the phone number. The practice of laughter yoga actually isn't new; it's more of a recoined term to describe a method of laughter therapy that's been used for decades. I'm glad I made you laugh. People no longer view you as a hypochondriac. walking upstairs rather than taking the lift, or as gentle as a back stretch every morning as you get out of bed. 16 You sing along with elevator music. Here are our favorite office jokes that work perfectly for the joke of the day or if you're in need of a laugh. Thank you. Yeah, I haven't noticed how I am physically aging until I start looking at earlier pictures of myself and pictures of my classmates as they look today. 4. Getting old is not all creaky joints and hearing aids. Found inside – Page ixEndeavours of Mankind to get rid of their Burdens , a Dream , 591 559. The same concluded , 561. ... On Egotism - Retailers of old Jokes , 604 765. ... Advantages of seeking the Protection of the Supreme Being , 622 674. When you're middle-aged, you have . Voted up and sharing with HP followers. It's hilarious and oh-so-true! Up til now, I've been so proud of myself for becoming more patient with age. In a hostage situation, you are likely to be released first. BirthdayFrenzy - This website also offers a collection of jokes about the challenges of turning 50. "You know you're getting old when the candles cost more than the cake." — Bob Hope. You encounter life challenges, which you can grow accustomed to. You and your teeth don't sleep together anymore. You are cautioned to slow down by the doctor instead of by the police. Take your time to read those puns and riddles where you ask a question with answers, or where the setup is the punchline. I resemble that way too much. Your secrets are safe with your friends because they can’t remember them either. Thanks for the laugh. You have more patience, but actually it's just that you don't care anymore. 22 Marriage Benefits. You quit trying to hold your stomach in, no matter who walks into the room. Susan: I'm glad you got a chuckle from reading this. And he detests the color yellow. This improbable story of Christopher's quest to investigate the suspicious death of a neighborhood dog makes for one of the most captivating, unusual, and widely heralded novels in recent years. Found inside – Page 605He must know how to talk business in an interesting and profitable way - not by telling a series of old jokes or ... and much is now being said to the effect that the college men will have the advantage over the men who have not had the ... I get up at eight and I sit there and grunt and groan for half an hour before I finally have a bowel movement." The ninety year old man says, "At seven I pee like a horse, at eight I crap like a cow." "So what's your problem?" asked the others. My pleasure. 13. Thanks for your comment. It was fun to write. I told him it was silver (I don't dye it)! And it is a fact that laugher adds years to your life and life to your years. Well, kind of...not totally! Be bold enough to live life on your terms, and never, ever apologize for it. Several studies and surveys indicate that aging people compared to middle age people are significantly happier with their circumstances. Kidnappers are not very interested in you. Catherine Giordano (author) from Orlando Florida on May 24, 2015: Thanks DzyMsLizzy. There are some memory memory clinic jokes no one knows ( to tell your friends) and to make you laugh out loud. When you cross an elephant with a fish, you'll get swimming trunks. Receive notifications of new posts by email. Birthday Burn. Found inside – Page 104Long-term marriage obviously has its advantages. For men, these include never having to make another decision for the rest of your life; learning that your ... No one expects you to run into a burning building. 5 minutes ago. Great hub and thanks! I try to smile a lot to counteract the tendency of the lips to turn downward with age. I'm glad I could make you laugh today. Found inside – Page 34Aside from the advantages of being able to wear old clothes UNITED STATES SENATOR was talking and he is very famous . ... He listens for three hours to other men's old jokes and then raises his voice against the clatter of the waiters ... People over 50 always think that old age is ten years older than they are now. My response, "I think we all want to get older—we just want to age well." There's always consensus at that point. Your rocking chair feels like a roller coaster. You think a "vine" is something that grows in the garden. Sunshine: If you are not old now, you will be one day. Things you buy now won't wear out. Helga Silva from USA on December 06, 2015: Very nice hub and really funny. Krzysztof Willman from Parlin, New Jersey on June 23, 2015: This is so funny, well done, and everybody should be reading this because age doesn't have to define you. It's all at Suddenly Senior.". This move stretches the hamstrings and lower back. Or just tell stories about her and the jokes. Old age. Found inside – Page 102I mean, you know, the old jokes, they seem to be still going on, and that fire was quite a while ago now, wasn't it? Margaret: I get quite a lot of flak ... Is wise enough to live on average for 18 more years your social life worth... That you do n't mind getting old when you ’ re referring to someone ’ lawn! A `` vine '' is something that grows in the world is aging once I stopped dyeing my,... Not just get Wet Reza Noubary... side of aging is get any your! My day with your friends ) and I could be bothered. ) I noticed people go of... Old yet is at a peak 40+ ''..... and I 've memorized mantra! 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